partners in Crime

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America and Russia ran through town trying to find and stragglers on the street. But not many people were out and about. America giggled once he saw a open back door. America stalked towards it. Russia in hot pursuit. There was a family campfire. America grinned. Before whispering the plan to Russia. America pulled out his phone and contacted Canada  and China who were there within minutes. Canada has Small x's in his eyes.while China had small yin-yang symbols in his. Each with one smaller the the other eye. He explained the plan to the three and they all nodded before they disappeared into their spots. America smiled

America stalked towards them. Their were two teenagers. In a relationship most likely. And four adults. America grinned as a quick shadow worped from the shadow. There was a small gasp as one of the teens looked around themselves. " guy's... I don't think we're alone... " One the adults rolled their eyes. " Of course not dumb fuck. We're in a neighborhood.. " The teen sank into the chair feeling stupid. " There's gonna be shadows. It's nor- " There were small giggles coming from different places around them. The teen started to breath quickly. " Dad this is not normal... " Russia giggled loudly. The adults shook their heads. " Probably some girls playing in their yards. " another man said.  America and China giggled. The female teen swallowed. " Dad that's not a girls giggle! " The man shook his head. " Then some sort of Prank. " America started to laugh.
Then Russia...
Then canada...
Then China.
The couple held onto one another. America threw a blade at the bearded mans throat. The man let out a gargled yell, blood spraying, before falling backward onto the grassy floor. Lifeless. The girl screamed and a man with a few piercings got up and walked towards America. Canada ran by and grabbed a teen and pulled him over the fence and stabbed him to the chest before giggling and slicing his head off with the small blade. Blood squirted onto his face and body. The older make turned from where America was to see the other teen missing. " WHAT SICK JOKE IS THIS?! " He shouted when America ran up and stabbed him into the back of the head. Two girls screamed and thres men blocked the murderers from them three females.

China, Canada,and America  jumped from behind the fence. Russia started to rise from behind the fence before grabbing onto a young teen and slitting her throat causing  a female and male scream loudly. Russia took out two guns giggling insanely before shooting them in the head. Loud bangs filling the surrounding area. America and China attacked the larger one. America, Canada, and China jumped over the fence before running. Running as fast as possible. They all went to America and canada's house. Running in and locking the door. Shut. America and  Canada took a shower to wash off the blood.

China and brought a second pile of cloths and took a shower changing into those. Russia started to panic. America offered him a hoodie. Russia took a shower and changed into his boxers and the over sized hoodie. Canada walked out and threw all the laundry into the washer. How they all had to pretend to sleep... America yawned. China has taken the guest bed in a quite obnoxious way. Canada took up most of his bed.

Russia sighed and walked downstairs and played on the couch. He hugged himself. The shapes in his eyes vanishing. America came from the kitchen with a cigarette. Everyone has their own thing they do after things so intense as that. America was smoking or drinking. Russia told Ukraine he will meet him at school and to not worry about him. Ukraine responded happily with an ok and  heart.  America looked at Russia confused " What you doin bro? " He said. Their eyes glowing in the dark living room. Russia looked up sitting up.  " sorry. China  took the guest bed and is out cold with bottles around the night stand and Canada took up most of his bed and was also out cold with his cigarette tray filled with butts. "Russia explained quickly

America sighed. " You sound like your trying to snicth on them " He said with a small chuckle. Russia got flustered " An no no that's not what I'm trying to do! I'm sure that's normal. I mean like I do it too. Just Ukraine never lets me. " America chuckled before taking a long drag of his cigarette and huffing out a large amount of smoke. " C'mon nerd " America said walking up the stairs. Russia quickly followed. America walked into his room. Russia tilted his head. " am I gonna sleep on the floor? " He asked. America laughed " What? No.. Your sleeping in my bed. " Russia started to blush. America chuckled his own very faint blush appearing on his face. America crawled under the sheets. He lifted his arm lifting the sheets with his arm. " C'mon. We don't got all night. " America mumbled yawning tiredly. Russia gasped and stumbled over to America and crawled under the covers. America smiled but then  frowned when he saw how Russia was hanging on the edge of the bed. He moved his arm around Russia before snatching him against his body. Russia gasped at the motion. His once before nervousness vanished as America spooned him. Russia smiled as America soon started to breath slowly. HIs grip sort of loosening. Russia yawned himself. Before falling asleep in America's arms.


I n     L o v e   W i t h    A   C r i m i n a l      Russia ×America.Where stories live. Discover now