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(( I'm so sorry... ))

Russia woke up with an  awful headache. He went to sit up, but his head,hands , hips and ankles were strapped on to a metal table. His eyes widened and he instantly started jolting around. After he ran out of energy he looked around the room his body shaking with fear. These tables never meant good. Her froze when there was a voice. It was soft, but feminine. It echoed through the room like. A haunting voice. "  Oh dear Your awake~" Soviet instantly popped up into Russia 's veiw. " Russia... ARe you ok?? Any wounds?? " Russia started to tear up as a figure started to appear from the shadows. He started shaking more.  She shadow showed two ears and a tail. " aw.. It's little Russia scared? " it said. It's shadow smoothly slid onto the other wall. The shadow showed a knife in it's hand. Russia started to breath quickly.

Soviet Turned to the side seeing the shadow. He then vanished.

The shadow giggled " Poor Russia~ " It moved forward an inch. " Wanna know why I brought you into this little hell hole? " Russia swallowed " You always have your eyes on a certain Capitalist don't ya? " Russia snorted. " Don't worry about it though... " the shadow said before suddenly vanishing. The dimly lit area around him become dark. This time...

The voice was right near his ear " I'll change your feelings for him in a quick snap~ " he shuddered as his breathing quickened. The light turned back on and he moved his eyes to his right, where the voice came from. Nothing was in sight. He looked back up again seeing the shadow. It's tail was swaying. " America is mine Russia..... " It hissed. " your relationship with him is going everywhere. For a week you would be lovedovey then for the next two months you two are at one and throats. It's PISSING me off.... " Russia flinched at the sudden harshness in her voice. " I want him for myself... I just want him as mine.... And mine only... " The shadow out it's hands together and a slap was heard. " So! I'm gonna deal with you! " It giggled and started to spin clapping it's hands repeatedly, like a five your getting candy. " I'm gonna deal with you Slowly... As soon as school starts again... I'm going to take action... For now...


Russia flinched and closed his eyes tightly. Suddenly he felt pain course through his hip. His eyes widened instantly and he screamed. the world around him was black again.He tried to jolt his body away from the pain but a hand gripped onto his thigh. Insane giggling was heard as the pain got worse and worse. His body shaking violently with hot  tears running down  his face. The slightly stopped but it was still enough to scream. He was shaking violently. He wanted to go home and all of this be some awful horrific Nightmare. He felt the band around his waist and head get removed

He shut his eyes tightly a few seconds then opened them. The light was turned back on. The shadow was now in a different wall. His vision was blurry he could tell that in it's hand was a syringe. His eyes widened and instantly looked down at the spot where the horrific pain was coming from. There was a semi large bandage there. He swallowed and laid his head back on the table and sobbed. He just sobbed. " Poor Russia... Was all tough and strong... Even hurt his own crush... He shot his brother... Shot his crush's brother... Shot his bully iran.... But then... He gots a little shot and he's sobbing uncontrollably... " Russia let out shaky breaths as the figure smiled. It's smile somehow glowed  onto the wall through it's shadow.
Russia was shaking as he took one final sharp breath before he fainted from extreme pain. The shadow smirked and placed the syringe(666words)

Next to his sleeping form and vanished.

( Sorry that's this is so short. I don't have a lot of people reading anyway so )

Slowly the figure came from from the shadows

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