
67 2 7

22 people have read the last chapter

Not a single comment that wasn't my own..

Guys I can't continue the story.

I'm sorry

I have no inspiration for the book. No one is giving ideas really.

And it hurts that one of my least                               favourite made book
Is my most read

I respect y'all liking the shop and all but like wtf man.

I made this on jan 6,2020

I at least hope to have a FEW ideas by next week. Like this thing has 1.22k reads man.


I need something to fuel me. I'm a ghost reader too. And I'm trying to stop that. To comment, to vote and all that. I need that from you guys....

I literally have no inspiration.

It's either a few comments by Jan 13,2020

Or the book is done for.


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