senseless animals: Blind

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Russia spun to the right making the blue and yellow flag roll to the right. Causing the knife to impale the stone. Russia than pinned his brother to the ground growling at his sibling. Ukraine snarled at the Russian in anger.
Russia started to read up as black smeared against the wall behind him.

Kill him

Russia started to sob. " no.... " he said through a whisper. Ukraine snarled and kicked his brother in the stomach. The Russian wheeze in pain and rolled off his brother, holding his stomach. He than stood up slowly.
" Ukraine...?! " He said as the country pulled the knife out of the ground. Russia started to shake. " Bro... Please... Knock out of it. " He said backing up. Russia slowly started to pull out his gun.

Ukraine slowly started to walk towards him. A smile spreading across his face as he tightened his grip on the knife. Russia started to sob. " Please Ukraine! It's Russia! Knock out of this! Remember out sister? Got taken?? Please just knock our of it! " He said trying to knock his brother our of the trance. His brother paused. He dropped the knife. He looked at his brother. " Russia! " He said running over and hugging his brother. Russia hugged back. When he realized something. That went way to fast. He parted from the hug

Ukraine smiled at his brother. " suddenly this woman came to me saying you needed help and I was like. " oh no! I gotta go help him? Whst is he? " and like she took me to America's house. I was like " oh that makes A lot of sense " and ran in. That's when all that blood and stuff made me dizzy and sick. That's when she told me you were in the basement. I opened the basement door just to be shoved down the stairs and I pass out. The. I wake up to this woman texting someone before smiling weirdly at me. And said. " don't tell him any thing love before disappearing. The. I heard slamming and screaming. Than I heard a bunch of running then you came down here. Then I remembered when this guy said she was gonna make me attack you. I got scare and panicked when the. Suddenly I get shanked in the side and I get rlly dizzy. It was like someone else was I control of my body. I saw all of it happen but like I couldn't control it! " Russia nodded along the story showing he was listening as he studied the way his brother moved. It didn't seem natural...

Russia tapped his foot. He sighed " Sorry but with all the shut goin on I ain't trustin ya. " Ukraine looked extremely hurt by his. Brothers words. He swallowed. " o.. Oh... Ok... " Russia started to walk off when he heard his brother start to run towards him. Russia started to test up as he lifted his hand and shot.

There was a thud on the ground. He turned to see that his assumptions were right.He crouched next to his fallen brother.  He had the knife in his hand. His eyes were red. Russia shook his head. He was grateful he had only shot his brother in the leg than anything. Her took the knife from his brothers hand and examined it. He looked down at his brother. " Knives just ain't your style huh? Maybe a katana or Gun might be better. Or a syringe. " Russia said as the country snarled at him in agitation. before patting the controlled country and smiled hitting the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

Russia snarled at the abyss as he stood up and pulled out the gun. He stood there. Closing his mouth and sighing again and turning on his torch and flashing it in the abyss. There was a large metal door.

" It's as if UK wanted his sons to have this happen to him. Like who gets a house with such horror movie like scenes? "Russia mumbled before walking to the door. He took out his phone

Smart... I don't like it.

Russia scoffed and opened the heavy metal door. Having to put some slight muscle into the opening of it.

Russia gasped. There was Canada. He was tied to a chair with his head hanging lowly. Small sobs came from him. He clearly wasn't muffled. He had the abyss behind him as Well. Russia ran over. Canada screamed and lifted his head. He was blindfolded.  Russia backed up. Canada growled through tears. " Get away! I'm... Im... I will attack you! If you want more I give you more!! " Russia backed I to the door. He hadn't realized that the door had closed and locked. When the straps on Canada's were taken off. The country slowly stood smiling widely. " I see you want more then?! " Russia stood still.  The Canadian looked around him. He snarled. " I know your in here. I swear you better get this weird magic blind off me! Play fair bitch! " Russia slowly walked around him. He tripped over a pipe and Canada's head snapped to him. " oh... I see..... You want to play a game. Fine then! " Russia gasped and scurried away from the spot. Canada ran to the spot but he had tripped over the pipe and hit his head on the wall. He screeched in pain and shook his head violently as if trying to change the pain. Russia started to notice that the next few people might have one of their senses blocked and they would be more animalistic.

Canada moved his head around. His breathing soft. Suddenly a pipe on the other side of the room explode   Russia jumped as Canada ran towards the pipe it was only at least two feet away from him. He kicked it in anger. " Where the fuck are you??? " 

Russia threw a rock at another pipe further away from him. Canada screamed and ran after it. Russia quickly ran towards the door.  Canada ran after him." STOP MESSING AROU-" Russia shot the Canadian in the shoulder and leg causing him to fall in the floor hissing in pain. The Canadian swiped at the spot trying to attack the Russian. Russia opened them closed the metal door. Breathing heavy.

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