was... was it all a dream?

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Russia woke up. Sweat running down his face like he had ran a marathon. He looked around him to see America sleeping next to him. He teared up. The dream was terrifying.

He slowly sat up, as if he moved any faster it would cause a monster in the darkness to attack him. He slowly pulled out of the other country's grip. He slowly walked away. His arms hugging himself as if he was  cold. He must say he kinda was. He tip toes into the kitchen. He gasped and slammed himself against the wall seeing something move from behind the kitchen island. Instantly a Canadian popped out from behind it. The country has bags under his eyes. His eyes were distant. Before they seemed to come back to reality. He shut his once before slightly open mouth.

The country tilted it's head. Showing confusion on why the other country was awake at such a time. Russia swallowed " I had a... Nightmare.. " The Canadian nodded and pulled out a jar from what Russia could only guess was a cupboard in the kitchen island.. He then patted the island. Telling the other  country to sit. Russia did as told. Watching as Canada pulled out herbs of all sorts and set them next to the jar. Russia looked down feeling tears run down his cheeks. He thought he was able to wipe them away without the other country was able to see them. But he didn't. The country sighed. " What is the matter? " Russia looked up seeing n the country as only a few inches away from his face. " the dream... I... I just hurt... So many of you... " Canada nodded. " We have all had nightmares like that... "  Russia sighed. " I really thought I hurt you.. I thought I killed my brother, you, America.. " He hit his head on the island. His head testing on it as he started to sob.

He suddenly felt a arm wrap around him. His breath had hitched and looked up to see a Canadian smiling softly at him. " It's alright... Just Calm down.. Here. " He passed over the jar. " What is it? " Russia asked as it slid into his hoodie covered hand. " It's something my mother makes to help me sleep better after nightmares or if I can't sleep. It works. I already had some, so, go ahead. Drink the rest. " Russia looked at him before lifting the jar and drinking it. His eyes furrowed. It tastes off. But he continued to drink it.

He set the jar down and slid it into Canada's hand Canada smiled softly as he moved it into the middle of the island. " Go and snuggle with Ame. You should fall asleep within seconds bud. " He jumped off the seat and walked off. " good night Rus. " Rus waved as he waddled back into the living room and snuggled up to the larger country.

He stared out into the darkness before it soon covered everything. His eyelids felt like boulders. He yawned as they soon finally shut.


Russia woke up to a big rumbling house. Everyone was walking around. Some people were playing video games. Some were in the kitchen. He slowly lifted his head. America was on the ground. He had looked up at Russia. " morning. " Russia hummed before his eyes widened. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.  " Morning... " He yawned and stretched. " North I swear.. I will win! " North Korea chuckled and he continued to push buttons. Scotland walked in and sat on the couch eating a waffle. Ireland bounced in. " Ello! " He said as he jumped down next to Russia. " Hey. " Russia was surprised this others countries were here.

Why is everyone acting so nice? He shrugged it off and smiled as North yelled at America about how he cheated on the game...

I'm sorry this is so short. I'm really tired lol
September 3,2019. 9:54 pm

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