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I laughed. That's when I saw Russia on the ground.  

Surrounded by blood.


America ran towards  Russia dropping his stuff. People were swarming the barley conscious russian. America shoved people out of the way. " Russia?? " He said. Demanding a response. The Russian looked up with only his eyes. " Brazil... " He wheezeds. America growled and picked up the Russian. " The most you fuckers could of done was help him " He hissed at everyone. Before running to the nurse.

The nurse took Russia and mended his wounds. " Can you stay with him..? I need to go to a meeting... " America looked at her confused. " Your almost 19. I'm sure you can do it by yourself. " She said before walking out. America sighed and leaned on his chair.

A few minutes pass and Raylyn walks in with his stuff. " Hey Ame. " America turned towards her. " Oh hey ray. " She smiled and handed him his stuff witch he took with a smile. She looked at the shaking figure before rubbing a hand on his head in way to comfort. The sleeping figure stiffened before calming slightly. The female smiled " He seems like a nice kid.. You did good Ame.. You did good. " America looked at the sleeping nerd then his ex.

He smiled " Guess I did. " the bell ran loudly. Waking up Russia. " ah! " Ray backed up. America flinched. " Calm down bro. " Russia started shaking " don't hurt me... " Ame sighed and rubbed his back. Russia was in a slight shock. " Calm down... Brazil's gone... " Russia started to calm down.  America moved closer continuing to rub his back. " Just go back to sleep... You need rest.. " Russia looked up at America with fear. But it slowly changed to the sign of feeling safe. He yawned and closed his eyes. His breathing slowing.

Ray giggled " Heres my phone number Ame. I know you deleted my number. " He chuckled awkwardly. " You know me all to well ray. " She said chuckled and patted his shoulder " Text me when your able ame. " She said waving before leaving the two male counties alone. America yawned himself. Leaning on the edge of the cot. His breathing started to slow as darkness swarmed him.


Russia woke. His glowing eyes lighting the area around him. He was floating in a black abyss. He seemed calm.He learned how his dreams worked. He sighed and closed his eyes.  Suddenly

He started to fall. He eyes jolted open. He looked around profusely. He started to scream as he started to get near a white floor. He started to hyperventilate as he made impact. He was in school.

He looked around fearfully. He swallowed as he watched Ame walk towards him. He then remembered how Ame helped him. He thought THAT was a dream. America then pinned Him to a wall. America bit his lip as Russia started to hyperventilate again. America Then smiled. " You look cute today.. Just like always... " Russia felt blood rush to his face, making his face heat up. " uh... " America chuckled moving a hand from Russia's collar bone to his chin, grabbing a hold of it and moving it towards his own face. America then kissed Russia.

Russia woke up with a start. He panted heavily when he saw something near his stomach. America had fallen asleep next to him. He flinched at the pain in his neck. America shuffled " mgh... " America groaned. Russia smiled. Thinking to himself.. '°• he looks more peaceful asleep... •°'

Russia yawned resting his head again. Before passing out cold.

AmericaN dreams that is surprisingly not filled with walls and not free healthcare

I n     L o v e   W i t h    A   C r i m i n a l      Russia ×America.Where stories live. Discover now