betrayal and finding out secrets

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( At least 2 months later)

The American laughed loudly as the Russian was on the floor crying. America kicked him in back with China. The Russian looked at what he thought was friend for at least week. America smiled and winked at him. " Like what ya see buster? " He said picking him up. Russia swallowed and held onto his arm. " please... Let go... " He said starting to struggle to take in air.America smiled before slamming him into a wall. Russia wheezed as he made impact. Causing him to struggle. " P-please... L-l,-let m-me g-go... "
America laughed. " If you think I would let you go? " Russia nodded. His eyes slowly showing a broken heart. America froze. Russia starts to tear up.  America

America was nice to Russia for two weeks before he slowly started to grow away from him. Then he starts to bully him again. After a while Russia 's heart was aiming at America, but now it was at Jenny. The girl who had been with him for a long while. ( not in a love way but as a rlly good ass friend)
Russia had actually fallen for the American but America didn't seem to feel the same...
Russia shook in America's grip.America dropped him before kicking him in the chest then walking off. China followed him. " What was that about? "
America shrugged.

( Russia - first person-)

I hugged myself watching America walk away. I felt got tears running down my face as Jenny ran over to me. " Russia! Russia! " She yelled sitting me up. I winced in pain " Agh! " blood dripped from the corner of my mouth. She suddenly left after she turned her head. I swallowed before looking up. It was Brazil. I started to shake. " Who the fuck did this to you? " I started shaking " America and China... " Brazil growled before running off in the direction I pointed at. Opposite of America. I had became a game. Who ever beat me up more has more respect. Though even if Brazil best me up badly everyone still liked America more...

Because I always said it was America... Even if it was a different person. All the time  America would get confused. And the others would cheer for him. He always looked at me and I smiled giving a small thumbs up. Even if he hates me and gives me pain. I don't understand why but my feelings for him never change. I always get pissed at myself.  For it. But I'm slowly just getting used to the fact that is how my heart works. But Jenny... I understand that... My feelings for her make a lot of sense. She's so nice to me and is always there when I need it. Even if she does get hurt in the process she stays by my side.
Actually today I was planning to confess to her. Since it's Friday and everything. Jenny ran back with the nurse. The nurse picked me up and ran back to the room... I hissed in pain. Jenny ran by the teacher the entire time. I smiled at her before I passed out cold.


( surprise)
( Jenny -First person -)
I chased the nurse into the nurse office. " Is he going to be ok?! " I asked. The nurse chuckled yes dear. Calm down. " I moved my red hair over my shoulder and sighed. I sat next to him with tears in my eyes.

 I sat next to him with tears in my eyes

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