things go down hill faster then russians drink vodka

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Russia woke up, he yawned and tiredly turned. He snuggled into a figure next to him before having a realization. But that came a little so late as America wrapped an arm around him. Russia felt his face heat up. He turned his head and read the time. " 2:00" he had only fallen asleep for two hours. There was a loud knock downstairs . America jolted awake. " Ugh.. " He groaned and sat up. Russia got off the bed and started to wobble towards the door. America chuckled and followed the Russian down the stairs. And to the door. Russia opened the door before gasping.

It was two police men.America put on a worried and confused face " Officers! What brings you here? "  the police man smiled " Sorry to disturb you, but there was a group of people murdered earlier. So we need to ask everyone stuff. " America gasped his eyes widened " A murder?! " The policeman nodded " Yea. whole group of people. " Russia yawned and hugged America testing his head on his chest. " that's.. Awful.. " He mumbled. " What  info do you need officer? " Russia said putting a tired smile on his face. " Did you hear, see, or know why someone would so such a thing? " Russia yawned " I heard some of it. I thought it it was just fight. I didn't see anythin and i don't know why someone would do such a thing. Maybe anger or an over reaction! " America nodded in agreement. Russia yawned again. America watched the officers closely. " thank you. Sorry to disturb your sleep. Have a nice night. Be safe. " America smiled and nodded " Will do officers. " and shut the door as they walked away. Russia was about to pass out on America. " mgh... " He hid his face in America's chest. America chuckled and picked him up. Russia gasped and looked at America with surprise. America started to walk to the stairs and up to his room. He went under the sheets with Russia and the fell asleep almost instantly.


America woke up and looked at the sleeping Russian sleeping under him.  America got up and got dressed quickly. He ran to Canada's room and nudged him awake. " mgh... I don't wanna go... " America sighed " Guess I'm eating all the pancakes by myself. " Canada instantly shot up . America wheeze before walking downstairs and started cooking.

Slowly two countries had come down. all but one.  Russia sat at the table next to China. He whispered " Where is  the Russian? " China shrugged " Did he go home? " America shook his head " Nah. "  Canada peeked up. " Where in blazses did he sleep? " America smiled as he flipped a pancake " In my bed. " Canada let out a small gasp as China looked at him with surprise. America shook his head " All we did was sleep. Chill. " China slightly lowered his posture. " Yea. Ok. But why...? " America shrugged. " He couldn't go out  cuz of how late it was. I can't just let him walk in the middle of the fuckin night "  America said as he brought a large plate to the table, it was filled with pancakes.

He then let Canada take over with the sides, like eggs and bacon ect. America took advantage of him not doing anything to go upstairs. America opened his door quietly, he looked at his bed to see a snuggled up sleeping Russian. He had a arm under his head and another arm wrapped around him. His legs were still curled up  he had a peaceful face as he seemed to have a faint blush completing the cute scene.America felt a pang of something into his chest. It felt like things moving quickly around his chest and stomach. His face slowly heated up at the sight. He swallowed before walking over and squatting next to the bed. " Russiaaa" he said nudging him gently. Russia squirmed around moving his hands into his face like a cat would went being boiled in their sleep. America felt like he got shot it the stomach with butterflies. He furrowed his eyebrows angry and confused at the feeling. He hated this feeling. He just didn't like it. And at a nerd no less he thought to himself. His anger and hatred towards the Russian returning. He scoffed he flicked the back of the Russians head. He gasped and shot up. America had a 'bitch really Dave's as Russia yawned, stretching. " mggggghhhh.... "Russia looked around before he gasped seemingly to realize what happened the night before. Surprisingly not realizing the agitated American next to the bed. Russia rubbed his eyes. He hugged himself. America coughed lightly causing the Russian to jump " Eep! " America chuckled " Get dressed. Your cloths are on the dryer. Pancakes are down stairs. Great before Canada eats all of them " Russia nodded before wobbling down the stairs to the dinner table. He was small compared to the others.  China looked at the smaller cocking an eye brows and Russia happily eating a few pancakes quickly. He then saw America leaning on the counter seeming to stare at the Russian with slight love sick smile. China snorted causing America to snap out of the trance and his face turned to a missed off expression. Russia then rolled up the at least 10 inch to long hoodie sleeve up his arm and washed the dishes. America was honestly surprised how innocent and kind the RUSSIAN was acting.Russia then ran to the laundry room the sleeves falling down again. He then came out a few minutes later dressed.

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