Starting on the 'right' hook

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Russia and Ukraine ran into school grounds as others started to pile into the schools front lawn. 

(- America - ( second person)

I look up from my phone taking the cigarette out from between my lips as I see two familiar figures run to the door. I nudged China " Ay... The two nerds are there. " China looked up from Canada and their head turned to the two nerds at the other fountain. Canada swallowed. He made a whine like noise looking at me. I sighed and stood up " What you want bro " He stood up and whispered into my 'ear' using his hands to make sure no one else would hear. " Be careful... I feel like he may be going through a bit " He whispered.

I shook my head went he got off his toes. China walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. " Let's great'em to a brand new school year~ " I smirked and walked over with China following. I turned my head to see North Korea walking behind me. " Hey man. " He mumbled. He walked closer behind me. " What ya guys doin? " we were still kinda far from them... " Greetin the nerds of course. Givin them a good start. " North smirked " Wanna join? " He chuckled " Of fuckin course " I watched as Ukraine pointed behind Russia. His head snapped backward. His eyes widened. I laughed aloud. " Heyyyyyy bros... "

We were at least almost a foot taller then them. Russia looked up swallowing. " What's up? Nervous? " China said with a evil grin. Russia seemed to be shaking now. North came from the other side. Suddenly iran came by. " Heya gang... " He said a mischievous tone to his voice. " The nerds nervous bout startin school is all " He chuckled. " I gotta say.. Ain't that a bit sucky huh? " Iran said with a smile. Russia's jaw tensed.  He swallowed " y-yea.. " He stuttered. I smiled when he moved back in fourth fixing his posture.  He swallowed again. " y-you g-g-guys n-ner-nervouse? " North cackled " Extremely " He said pushing a fist into a hand. Russia flinched to another side. Closer to China. Ukraine was holding onto him staying silent. Russia closed his eyes and inhaled them exhaled shakily. " I just ask for at least today without physical harm... " He said. All of our eyes widened. " Just today... Or if you want to be nice two days... " My eyes narrowed. China started to whisper something to North. I sighed. " Fine. " They all looked at me wide eyed. I a stood up straight. " You fuckin heard me. " The three backed up. " Today. That's it nerd. And you " I said pointing at Ukraine. " You get a day off to.. That's it. Today. No more breaks... " I snarled.  And walked off. China walked next to me. " Why would you do that??? " I sighed. " Listening to my bro" I said lookinat my brother. Canada made a chirping like noise and ran over hugging me. I hugged back. South Korea came running past is to Russia. I rolled my eyes. " Anyone seen that Philippines? " Everyone shook their head. " Just great.. " want

Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. " AME -KUN!!! " There was loud laughter from everyone. " GET OFF ME JAPAN! " She quickly got me. I stood up and looked at her. Here ears twitching as people were talking around us.She took a small step towards me. I know what she wanted. My eyes narrowed. " don't... " She took another small step forward. I growled slightly " Ame-kun~! " She sang, hugging me.I heaved a sigh patting her back. Canada looked at me. Something about his face told me something but I pushed it away.

Finally the bell rang. I smirked and walked in. Canada close to me. Russia, south, and Ukraine ran past us. I pursed my lips. " rude. " Everyone started laughing. I looked at my new locker number and walked to it the others following. We all always have lockers next to each other. IT's weird.. Russia turned smiling and talking to another girl.. He gasped backing into the locker.  He swallowed and turned looking into his empty locker and started putting things into it. The girl spoke to him before looking towards me after Russia talked. She growled and walked towards me. " Listen here buster! " I cocked an eyebrow. " You can't just push around ruski like that! " I smirked " uh -huh..." She scowled. " that's rude and fuckin awful!  He didn't do shit to you! " He grinned. " I'm aloud to do what I want hun. " she screeched. " No you can't. " I took a quick step forward making her take a step back with squeak. I chuckled. " you! You can't hurt me! Imma girl! " I chuckled " your right... " She smirked. " Japan sweetie" There was a small hostile howling from behind me. I smirk.

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