i guess this is it now?

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Russia liked watching them play video games.

North Korea stood up " Cheater!! " He yelled. Anger radiating off him in waves. America stood up with a smirk. " heh... Your just mad that you can not play the game correctly my friend " NK snorted " I'm gonna go eat breakfast " China walked in as he said that " Japan and I made breakfast if anyone wants some. " Everyone jumped up and ran to the kitchen.. Everyone but Russia. He stood up slowly... Everyone is just suddenly excepting him
'ya know I would get the food now boy" he sighed and listened to his father. It would be a good idea to go get something.. They are much bigger then him and are very hungry.. Some people started walking back into the living room with their dishes. Russia walked over and looked. all the food was gone and people started walking back.

Russia sighed and looked down. He was to slow to get any. He looked up to see china above him.  " Oh! CHina... Hello... " He mumbled. China patted his head " I'll make some tea.. " He looked at Japan he gave a small glare at Russia before sighing " I'll make some sushi.. " He smiled.  " Thank you... " China nodded. " I bet you have noticed how were all acting strange and nice for the most part? " He said looking at him as he made his tea. " Yea... " china nodded. Russia sat down on the island " America said he wanted to change.... And everyone listens to him... " Russia looked up at him. " In all honesty... Most of us hated what we did to you... And we want to change... "

Russia looked at him as if he just grew 200 heads. " what?? " china nodded " yUp.."  China smoothly moved to the other side of the room, his  aura was calm and gentle as he moved around the room. Russia's small nervous one following him. " I'm sorry honestly.. That you had to deal with our... irresponsible ways... " China mumbled as he pulled out a cig. He then leaned down towards the country " I'm not that sure about Japan though... She doesnt seem to like you... " Japans ear seemed to flick at the mention of her name, her body seeming to tense. Her head slight turned towards the two male countries, not enjoying the fact of her being spoken of. Russia nodded at the taller country with a small smile a he chirped a quick 'ok'

( I'm sorry it's so short, I've been in hospitals and under suicide WATCH  recently so, but I hope this is ok for now, if you can, please... Please!! Leave some comments on what you want to happen in the next chapter!! Please! )

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