The puzzles start

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Russia bounced onto one foot then the other before running off towards the house again.
He wanted America.
He WILL live.
Russia was determined to let the American to live.

Russia stopped on the sidewalk in front of America 's house. He pulled out his phone.

Good job. Now.enter the kitchen.

Russia sighed and entered the room.

Big mistake.

Blood was everywhere. There were pieces of fabric and cloth in some places. Broken glass and cupboards. He covered his mouth shaking violently. He coughed lightly before walking through the he'll whole. Glass cracking and crunching under his feet as he did so. He  looked at his phone.

Like the new kitchen look I made? Your good friends China and north Korea sure did help~

Russia coughed on spot as he read the text. " no.... No no.... Why?? Why why why?? "

Cuz it needed a patch up~ though America and Canada sure did not want a room change. They really didn't.

Russia screamed and slammed his fists on to the kitchen wall. He was sure this person expected him to now down to him. He hated it. He takes being seen as the smaller person. He had to be the one to win. Russia growled and yelled " WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO NOW?????! "

He looked at his phone. The person took a while. Russia looked around him putting his back against the wall. He looked at the phone again.

Grab a knife and a torch.
Then walk up to the stairs. Turn on notifications.
Russia walked over to the drawr and slammed it open grabbing the largest knife then the torch. 🔦
He walked over to the stairs case where he saw a figure. He focused on it. It looked like it was floating. And swaying? He started to shake. What if he hung one of the-

The lights flashed on.

There hung Norway. his body lifeless. His face violently bare. His face showed pain and fear. Even if it was loose. Blood dropped from where the noose was touching. His swaying lifeless body was an awful scene.

Russia screamed and turned his head starting to sob.
Russia heard a ding. He instantly turned on his phone .

Like the new decorations? Now walk up stairs~

Russia screamed and punched the wall again as tears ran down his  face.
" FUCK YOU!!!!!!!! " He snarled about before his crosses started to appear in his eyes. He ran up the stairs pushing Norway's corpse out  of the way. " He had nothing to do with this. Why not just shatter a bottle over my head then slam the broken part into my fuckin brains. " He said out loud looking at the phone.
You know that sounds like a fun way to kill you if you don't get this done.  Anyway~ go to America 's room

Russia sighed and walked into the room. Not caring about the threat. He looked around the room. " Wonder what new decorations they have now.. " Russia mumbled and started to sway on his feet. He then saw a camera. He tilted his head. Thankfully his height had grown from his insane side. He tapped the camera before Snarling. He went to grab and rip it off before there was a ding. He looked at his phone.

Don't touch it. Get your face away from it now.

Russia hit the camera. Before looking away and resting his back on the wall.

Ok. Now open the drawer and look through it. If you were to have to defend your self what would you take?

Russia sighed and opened the drawer next to the bed. His eyes widened seeing how many weapons were in it. He then giggled and took out two guns. Russia looked to check if they were loaded. He smiled seeing they were. He put them in his back pocket like normal and looked at his phone.

Now go to the basement.

Russia laughed. " Just imagine. A fuckin battle between me and a friend " He mumbled lowly to himself. He then walked to the stairs before sighing. He looked at Norway's corpse. He swallowed before taking the noose of his neck. He held Norway bridal style before setting him on the floor. He chuckled slightly. " can't leave ya hanging right? " He said before holding his head in his hands. He took a few deep breaths before standing up again. " I'm sorry you had to get stuck in this bull shit... "
Russia then jumped off the second floor to the first floor. He then sprinted over to the  basement door. He opened the door and ran down the stairs. He looked around himself before turning on the light.

He gasped seeing non other then Ukraine. he had a gag in his mouth. he was in a chair tied to it. he was sobbing. Muffled by the gag. he looked at Russia wide eyed. he started shaking his head violently.  Russia started to run towards his sibling when he started shaking his head more. He stopped mid step and Held the knife in his hand confused. Behind his sibling was a dark, dark abyss. The kind you see in horror movies before a character gets pulled into that darkness meeting their unfortunate death.

Russia tilted his head slightly when Suddenly his sibling jolted. Screaming. He saw a white hand stab him with something. It was a syringe. It had a dark blue -ish purple liquid in it. Russia backed up slightly as the robe around his sibling was swiped off him. Russia snarled as Ukraine slowly stood up,pulling a knife out from behind his back slowly.Russia knew what this guy wanted and he didn't like it. Suddenly his brother charged at him. Russia sighed it easily Ukraine wasn't the best one to pick to attack Russia.

Ukraine then jumped into the wall then at his brother when he turned to look at the abyss. Russia growled in pain as his back skidded against the cold stone floor. He had a fight with his brother. Both of them pressing the knives against each other. One trying to kill the other. While one just wanted to get out of the hell hole and save all of them.

Russia gasped as his hand slipped and Ukraine's knife went towards his neck.


I n     L o v e   W i t h    A   C r i m i n a l      Russia ×America.Where stories live. Discover now