dreams? and... KISS?!

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" This was just a dream sweet. " America said. Before Russia pulled the trigger.

( No one's pov)

Russia put the gun in his pocket before walking over and picking up his friend. Russia has a frown now. It literally just flipped upside down. Looking like a robot of some sorts. " O h Jenny..  Always there at the wrong time.... " Russia said closing his eyes and shaking his head in a disappointed way. Slowly he walked out of the room with America behind him. He held the girl in his arm before crouching and crawling out of the sight of classroom Windows and cameras. His eyes narrowed near the office where the principal was waiting at looking around the area near the door. Russia snarled before he and America ran past him when he looked away. America and Russia then jumped on cars and other objects moving around large ones. They soon  started to run through the forest. Russia shook his head

" why does she have to live so far? " He snarled. America shrugged " How would I know?! "Russia rolled his eyes. " Sometimes you annoy me America " Russia mumbled America growled " And you annoy me " Russia smiled kinda proud of himself " Good. " suddenly a voice rang in his head. "Would you look at that. My son! A Murderer! And at a earlier age then i started! " Russia sighed 'hello... Dad. " Soviet chuckled floating around and staying next to his son. " ya know I'm actually proud of ya. SO. What you gonna do with her? "  Russia shook his head as they started to grow closer to the building where Jenny lived. " well I didn't kill her. It was a bullet to make her dizzy. Just didn't know she was so weak that she would pass the fuck out. We're just gonna make her think it was a dream. "  Soviet nodded as he looked back America who was doing tricks and jumping onto and  off tree's. Russia turned his head seeing where his father was looking and giggling slightly at the energetic American.  " ya know I can see you dating someone I know.. "  Russia cocked an eyebrow as he jumped into a open window of Jenny's room. He slowly set down her sleeping form and pulled out the small arrow like shaped bullet out of her shoulder. He made the wound vanish before jumping out the window. He lost balance on the railing of the window and started to fall, his back towards the ground. He gasped as he tried to position himself to land on his feet and failing. " Ahhhh- "

America chuckled as Russia slowly opened an eye. Russia blushed to a few America had caught him in a bridal style hold. Russia smiled slightly. As America ran towards his home.  America pulled out his phone and called his brother. Canada was whispering " Yea??? " America chuckled " Still in lockdown? "
" mhm "
" Makes sense. Wonder if they found the nurses body yet. "
" America . Your dead meat. "
" nah the nurse is " there a small giggle on the other end.
" What you want? "
" I hid in the nurses room where Russia and his friend kenny was. "
Russia Hissed " Jenny "
America rolled his eyes " Same difference "
Russia folded his arms. As America continued to explain what was happening. Canada was silent the entire time.
" I'm coming home with China. " the call hung up. Russia and America looked at Each other. " oh no. " Russia said. America nodded as they  reached the door.  to his house. Russia jumped from America 's grip.
America walked around yawning. " I hate how this form takes away so much -" America had pinned Russia to the wall. Russia gasped in surprise before his eyes narrowed. " What are you doing... " He said with a low growl in the back of his throat. America slowly got closer to Russia. Russia started shaking as memories of the dream he had on the first day of school filling his mind. His face started to turn red as America got even closer. Before suddenly Canada busted in

America was off Russia within seconds. Canada walked in with China after.him. China was giggling and had blood all over him. " School is cancelled for a week. " China said with a proud smile. Canada then hit the back of his head. " Just after the call China ran in and literally killed the entire class including the teachers. He then proceeded to jump our the window and run into the woods. "

Russia whistled. America snickered. China walked in an shut the door. " Japan has been going crazy. Today. Heard she was able to kiss you today. " China said America growled.  That's what set me off.. " He said with a growl.  Meanwhile during their conversation after china has mentioned the kiss. Russia felt a pang of jealousy hit him. Soviet started to laugh aloud

" ooooooooooh someone's jealous ~! "     Russia started to mentally cuss out his father just making his face turned red with blush. Suddenly a sentence had knocked him out of his fight with his father " So then who do you like ame" America took a sharp inhale. He looked at Russia. He had also noticed North, and Iran and came into the house. Then at them. " I'm not tellin ya. Get that in your head. " America hissed. Canada started to giggle " oh mi gosh you like Russia! I saw that tiny glance! Omfg! I ship it! " Russia has his face set a flame with blush " H-huh??!! " America growled and slammed into the counter " Shut up!! " his voice cracked. He covered his mouth and Canada started giggling " your voice cracks when you lie about feelings!! Hah! " America growled "  I do nt hava crush oN rUssIa! "  everyone besides Russia laughed. They all looked as the blushing Russian. Russia gasped and lifted up his turtle neck and covered his face with it. Canada fight " ITS A MATCH MADE IN HELL! " He whispered shouted.Russia blushed more. " how bouts we play truth or dare? " Iran offered. Cuasing Russia to walk over and smile. The blush going away. " okie " He said with A smile as the shapes in his eyes vanished. Their insane sides slowly fading away.  America gradually made his way to the last seat open witch was next to Russia. He sat down Lookin away with blush still on his face. Iran smiled and pointed at America and giggled " Truth or dare! " America sighed and rolled his eyes " Dare" Iran thought for a moment. He smirked before walking to the fridge. He took out the maple syrup. Canada gasped as he placed it in front of America. " Drink it. " America swallowed. Russia looked over and snickered. America growled and picked up the bottle opening it. He was lucky it was only half full. He had only drank half a bottle before. He never drank a full bottle.
America sighed before opening his mouth and pouring it into his mouth. Canada watching intently. Iran chuckling. North biting his lip trying not to hurl and

China wiggling his eyebrows And looked at Russia as America jokingly pulled a gay move and rolled his tongue out. Russia blushed and looked away. Honestly disturbed on  how such lewd thought could  come from that. Russia punch the bridge of his nose. Blush growing again. Suddenly there was a slam on the table. He turned to see the entire thing empty. America smirked and pushed the bottle to Iran " Done and done~ " Iran folded his arms. America smiled " I gotta dare for all of y'all.   " Everyone peeked up. America pulled out a container of alcohol filled drinks. Russia swallowed " All of your have to drink at least one bottle. " Everyone smirked and everyone said in unison " done. " Russia grabbed a bottle before everyone else everyone looked at him as he started to chug it. Canada's jaw dropped as Russia then slammed the bottle on the table. Not a drop was left. Russia wiped his mouth before smirking " Done! " He chirped. Everyone stared in shock at the sight of how he didn't show a sign of a  drunken state. ( A/n actually it would be country but hey!)

Russia started to curl up slightly. Iran growled " I dare you to drink all of them. " there were tons. And tons in the container. Russia gulped " Maybe 5? " Russia asked nervously. Iran sighed " Fine. But not untill he get drunk " He hissed. Everyone grabbed one and started drinking

Not even an hour later everyone besides Russia was drunk " Now0°. Your turn "hic' Russia " Russia nodded and took an bottle that North handed him. He chugged it.
Then another
Then another
Then nother.
Finally  he drank the last one. Russia has swirls in his eyes like everyone else now. Russia hiccups as he giggled " heh... Done°°~" he said Canada smiled and pointed at America " I dare America to kiss Russia! " America turned to Russia who backed up " nnu.  America smirked and walked towards him. Russia rolled his eyes before smiling " Fuck it " He said jumping into America's grip. America smashed his lips onto Russia's.

Every one whooped and hollered as they kissed. Russia wrapped his arms around America and deepened the kiss.  America parted from the kiss with a smirk.

After a while of more dirty dares they all went into the living room. Where. They all started to drop like flies. China asleep on the floor. North asleep on a desk. Iran asleep on the chair with his leg on the back of it. And America passed out on the couch with Russia in his grasp.

I n     L o v e   W i t h    A   C r i m i n a l      Russia ×America.Where stories live. Discover now