senseless animals: blind No vibrations. feelingGoing on a trip

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Russia panted leaning on the door when Iran was resting his hand on a wall.  His head peeked up when Russia was breathing heavy. He started walking while dragging his hand on the wall when Suddenly  Iran ran towards Russia. Russia ran to the other side. Iran stood in the spot where Russia was. He was silent. Russia slowed his breathing the best he could. Iran giggled. He seemed to be waiting for something. Russia leaned against the wall. Iran growled and literally crawled towards the Russian. The disturbed Russia ran to the other side. Iran stayed squatting. Russia shook his head when he saw he was squatting on his toes instead of on the whole foot. Russia touched the wall.  Iran looked more focused. He set a hand on the ground.

His strong sense must be with feeliing... Russia thought. When suddenly Soviet appeared. Russia flinched witch caused him to put more pressure on the wall. Iran screeched and crawled over to  Russia. Russia jumped out of the way quickly.. Iran placed a hand on the wall again. Squatting. Russia growled. Iran looked up. His breathing went everywhere. Slowing then quickening then stopping. Russia covered his mouth. Soviet whispered to him. Russia was confused. Bit he nodded then kicked the wall. Iran screeched and moved his hand away fro. The wall. He hissed and Held his hand tightly. " Fuck yoou... " He said like a hiss.

Soviet smiled at his son before he slowly faded. Russia smiled to himself  before he slowly turned to Iran  as he held his hand before setting a hand on the wall again.

 Russia smiled to himself  before he slowly turned to Iran  as he held his hand before setting a hand on the wall again

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Iran snarled and crawled towards Russia. Russia growled and kicked the ground before running to the door quickly. Iran snarled and continued to chase him. Russia went to open the door but it got stuck.

Russia hissed in pain as Iran grabbed his ankle. Sinking something into him. He looked down to see the syringe. It had  purple and blue stripes on pink. He was confused on how the liquid could stay like that. But that wasn't important to the Russian. He kicked Iran off him before yelling loudly.  Iran screeched and covered where his ears would be. He slammed his head on the wall screeching still and Russia quickly  shot him in the leg as he went to get up again and opened the door and ran into it. He panted against the wall as he slumped down. He pulled out his phone .

You made it through two of them?
You get a few minutes for a break I guess. You are injured ~

Russia felt dizzy as he looked down at the area where Iran had stabbed him with the syringe. He swallowed seeing how deep it went. Almost the entire needle was in his ankle. He started to tear  as he quickly pulled it out. Russia was surprised on how it didn't hurt.

Russia panted as he rested his head on the wall again. He started to cry. all the adrenaline had stopped his emotions from getting to him until now. He shot his brother and knocked him out. He shot Canada twice and kicked and shot Iran. He felt awful. He knew if they had any memory of this they would hate him.

Russia swallowed hard and took out some wrap he kept in his pockets. He wrapped it around his ankle before standing up. He winced in pain before walking to the other door when was opened the door he gasped seeing a dark figure was whispering to another. The figure turned to him before it tapped the other figure. Russia backed up into the wall. His body spread out like a blanket. The second figure had looked at him within that quick movement. Russia started to hyperventilate. He had no idea who these people are and his eyes widened. He went on a trip.

Liquids, several.

Neon greens and pink

Purple and orange

They were all pouring from the ceilings and onto the walls. He looked around himself as splats of colors and white went everywhere as the room around him warped. Snakes and lizards floating everywhere with knives in their vodka bottles with knives stabbing a few olives. Oranges with unicorn horns and wings with blades for wings instead of feathers

Russia started to hyperventilate more and clung onto himself as the work seemed to vanish from underneath him. He screeched and his eyes widened.

From a different perspective out of his own mind his eyes were changing rapidly.

Russia panicked as he saw to odd lollipops start walking towards him. He screeched and ran. Surprised he could run he smiled as his sanity in the normal world left. He jumped from  THE black lollipop and giggled as the maroon one tried to grab onto him. He started to feel fussy and tripped over something. He slowly lifted himself as if he was doing pushups. Russia giggled as small mythical creatures scurried around him. He looked around him. As little birds with Fox heads flew around him. He snorted as he lost balance and landed on the ground. He hugged himself before giggling like crazy as the lollipops started to walk towards him before vanishing after one of them shook their head.

Suddenly Russia slowly started to sit up. The world started to faze out of focus before going back. Russia tilted his head as reality went in and out of his head crazily.

He swallowed as reality suddenly smacked him in the face and he held onto his chest.

Russia was back in reality and he couldn't breath. The two figures were gone. He looked around himself to see that the little creatures didn't exist.
Russia struggled to breath has a headache hit him in the head.

Russia held his stomach, his eyes widened as he turned and threw up.

The color was disturbing. It was like the sryinge's liquid. purple and blue stripes on pink.

Russia held his stomach as he threw up more. His energy draining. Russia started to cry. It was extremely painful
Russia sobbed as he started to dry-heave.

Russia 's eyes started to spaze with colors as the liquid took effect again. This time everything was more disoriented and Russia knew what was happening.

He continued to throw up as scenes of blood splattering everywhere, People collapsing in front of him as a set of familiar boots started to walk towards him. Body's and blood falling behind them, as they twirled and skidded against the ground. It then jumped over Russia as groaning and hissing was heard from behind him. Russia screamed in pain as blood started to come from his mouth. His eyes had small black crosses in them as black and blood poured out of his mouth. Russia started to feel dizzy as.The boots came running towards him.
" Russia!? " Russia looked up to see America. His eyes widened. "

" shit. I thought the flying vodka bottles stabbing olives was bad. "  America tilted His head in confusion before snarling he held his head backing up has there was a loud ear ringing silence suddenly. America was gone. Russia looked up confused.

" shit"

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