Findings , warning , drinking AND voices

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Russia ran up through town. Knowing he won't be at school until at least the middle of the school day. Unless he gets found. Russia slammed his back into an ally way wall. Russia sobbed. And sobbed. His brother was right. We was turning into his betraying and missing father. Russia was his favourite quite surprisingly. Soviet had always taught Russia how to fight and stand up for himself. He gave lessons to trust anyone.
Nor make deals.
Russia had listened to his father. Using all of his info. He still does. Russia started to slowly pull away from his family and grabbed onto his fathers hand. Being tugged away from the peace loving family and joined his father towards the violent times. Russia has always hated people and now. This what his decision went to. His father dying from being caught with murder on the streets and he had slowly faded away in Russia's arms. Russia has kept the jacket in his closet. Over years he had started to grow into his father.  He became the man of the house. Sometimes coming home drunk. Sometimes  with blood running down his body or sometimes with the police. Ukraine had hated him but he then slowly tried helping Russia soften up.
Russia has a realization. He stood from the wall and looked at his hands.
It's his brothers fault he can't stand up to anyone. It's his brothers fault that he can't do shit right.

Russia started to sob more. " Ukraine... All his his fault.. " Russia started to smile. He stood up. His eyes began to flow brighter. He was gonna start being himself instead of letting his brother boss him around about how he can function. He stood straight. When suddenly a voice rang through his head. ' finally ~ You came to realize what your family what was doing to you ' Russia looked around confused ' oh Russia~ how I've missed talking to you. Sometimes just watching you from a dark abyss can be annoying " Russia looked around himself confused. That voice brought memories " Dad...? ".

Ah you realized. Yes it's me son. '

Russia took a few moments. To take in what was happening. He started to walk to the nearest bar. '  ayy.... The old place you used to join me at. '
Russia nodded. ' yea's the only fucking bar near here. ' Russia thought to himself
' Hey. Don't talk to me like that ' Russia paused. He thought again 'you can hear my thoughts? ' there was silence and he started to walk down the street getting closer to the bar. ' well yea. I am in your head. Booooo evil Commie voices " Russia giggled. Before entering the bar. ' careful son. These guys are ass hats...'  Soviet warned. Not know how Russia had claimed loyalty in the bar. Everyone turned their heads towards the 18 year old. some scooted far from his spot. Soviet watched next to Russia in surprise.
( It's kinda like Philip and martial law)
The bartender dipped his head once Russia took a spot. " The normal? " Russia nodded before resting his head on his arm. Soviet floated around seeing how much the place had changed. There were more strippers then before. He turned his head towards where Russia seemed to be watching  the most. Their were  even more strippers... But male. Slowly Soviet realized something.

His son was gay.

Her floated over to his son within seconds.
" Your gay?! "  Russia nodded as the bartender have the Russian a shot. Russia gulped it quickly. And set it down. 'been gay '  Soviet seemed to enter the voice thinking about the info he just figured out. He stared at the strippers with confusion. His eyes widened ' father like son '  he said Russia looked at him with a lot of surprise ' yea I'm gay. I fell for the traitor ' Russia started forward before asking for an entire bottle causing his father to start laughing like crazy. Russia started to chug down the bottle. 'how many does it take to knock out?'  Soviet asked. Russia shrugged. ' around 5 ' Soviet stared at his son.  With surprise. ' still strong. welp. Time to look through your mind '     Russia sighed and continued the chug the bottle. Russia started at the dancers. His mind flying around places and past events.

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