senseless animals: Silence. Hurting love

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Russia looked around him as he was suddenly tackled to to the ground. Russia gasped as he saw America. His eyes were red but one was white. He was so surprisingly quite. Russia growled and shoved him off surprisingly easily. Russia stood up quickly taking out his knife. America slowly stood up. He snarled before hitting his head on the wall then running at Russia. Russia snarled and ran to the side and punching the back of America's head

America whined and Held the back of his head. He looked up at the other country. " sOrry " his voice was echo like as he pulled out a knife. Russia gasped and started to back up.

Russia then snarled taking out his gun. America ran at him Russia smiled a he shot the country in the calf. America hissed in pain and collapsed. He held himself up with his arms

Russia growled before tackling the country. He shoved his knee into the American 's back harshly. The American wheeze before flipping the two over and started punching Russia repeatedly " We've been in wars Russia! You know It takes more then that to take me down!! " .It was kind of just like how America punched him everyday but this time instead of just wanting to beat the shot out of the country he wanted to kill it.

Russia snarled as blood ran down from where his nose would be and he started to tear up.

Russia growled and quickly kicked upwards hitting America right where the sun don't shine bby.
America rolled off Russia holding there and groaning in pain. " Fuck you maaaaannn.... " Russia smiled " Hah! " He shot America in the other leg but by the ankles. America groaned in more pain as Russ Russia the proceded to stab his hip. " Blood loss~ "

America slowly stood up before tackling the  Country again. Russia has a plan this time.

As America landed on to the country he plunged the knife into his shoulder. America instantly got off him. America snarled and slowly pulled it out.  Blood started to pour out. In small amounts but...

It was pink... With a mix of red.

Russia shot America in the calf again. America snarled and started to tear up. Russia screamed in agitation and shot him in the forearm.
America couldn't hold himself up with his arms and he hit his chest and head on the floor. Causing a "thud" to fill the room. America looked up at the sadistic  country as he slowly passed out. Russia sighed. As his own tears started to fall. He took out the wrap when his phone rang.
Russia quickly picked it up. The phone call instantly stopped. It was a way to get his attention

Don't help him! don't you hate him???!!! Doesn't he have you?? I mean like look at how much of a fight he put up compared to everyone else?!

Russia tossed the phone lightly and wrapped up America's wounds.  He stared at the country sadned. He parted the arm of it before standing up.

" Fuck. " Russia said picking up his phone. He went over to the door. It wouldn't open. He pulled harder. Nope. Russia 's eyebrows furrowed.Russia kicked the door in anger. He looked at the phone.

No. Wait until he wakes up. You didn't do it right!!!!

Russia snarled and kicked the door again. Russia continued kicking the door in frustration before slamming his back onto the door and slowly slid down it. Russia growled as he folded his arms and sat there. Glaring at the unconscious country in anger.

He tapped his foot before he started to feel tired. He yawned and hit his head. " No stay awake... " He mumbled to himself as a few more thunks of his head hitting the door filled the room before he slowly stood up. He wobbled over to America, lightly kicking him. He didn't wake. He sighed and frowned more. Russia snarled and kicked him. Major mood swings imma right!?

America jolted awake and rolled over " Fuckin ow. My back... " He hissed sitting up. His eyes widened. Still half red and white.

America snarled but then hit his head. " you went through North? " Russia up at him confused. " Did you go through North? Like did you have to be so slow that the world seemed to freeze? " Russia shook his head. America gasped and stood up wincing in severe pain, snarling. " Dude you need to go... Like... Now!  " Russia shook his head. " Why would I listen to you?! " He looked at his phone.

I swear to god if you listen to him I will kill him!!!

Russia looked up at America who was watching the phone. He looked up at him.

" DON'T. Leave the room. You will die. Do. Not. Leave . The. Room. Got it? Just kill me... Just kill me "
Russia for the idea and ran towards the door.

Good job.

Russia ran to the door and swing it open before closing it quickly. Suddenly be here was a loud slam on the door. And loud. Agonizing yelling and screaming. If pain from the other side. He went to open the door but he was slammed to the side harshly. He slammed onto the ground to see a quick shadow come at him. He suddenly started flying into the wall. His back arched and he yelled in pain as he made collision to the wall. 

Soon enough the shadow came running at him again.

( 910 words?????? Ahhagsjxnkdnskznxicndjsnaksndnsiabe  disappointing)

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