step brother (different) FINISHED

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Hey guy's, well the step brother is dfferent to the other book the step brother which is written by my fav author on wattpad, she inspired me to write this book. It's kinda the same lines i guess. Oh and please be patient with me, this is m first fan-fic i have ever written,

thanks xx I love you all so much.

Ashleys POV


I groaned as my alarm on my phone woke me up telling me to get up and get ready for school, I flicked my arm over to my phone and turned it off. As i got up, i remembered today was my 2 month annerversery with my boyfriend, Harry Styles. As soon as i remembered i jumped up out of bed and ran into the shower for about two minutes so i didnt have time to wash my long brown hair, then ran out and put on a cute tank top and my favourite black skinny jeans, grabbed my bag and car key's then ran out the door as fast as i could, I literally jumped into the car and sped off as fast as i was allowed to towards my school, westman high.

When I pulled into my schools parking lot, I parked then ran inside and went to my main classroom and waited for Harry to arrive. My best friend Tiffeny turned up and ran up to me and started asking me so many questions. "morning Tiff" i greeted her, "hey Ash, whats Harry doing with you today, are you going out to dinnner?" before i could answer I felt a big yet soft hand grab me and pull me towards this persons body, i knew just who it was. I turned around as quick as i could and there was Harry holding onto me starring straight at me. I went on my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the lips.

Harry's POV

I walked up behind my amazing girlfriend, and put my hands on her hips and pulled her into me, she turned around and kissed me, "hey babe" i greeted her, "hey baby" she smiled back at me. I pulled out of our embrace an reached into my pocket to pull out a little michael hill box and gave it to her. She opened it and her jaw practicly hit the ground, "Harry, it's... amazing, gorgeous" She managed to stumble out of her mouth, "shh, babe you don't have to speak, ill be back in a minute ok, I just need to got to the bathroom" i said to her as i walked off.

Ashley's POV

After Harry had walked off I looked down at the amazing gold braclet that he bought me, when i turned aroung Tiffeny was at the other side of the room talking to her boyfriend, Jake, so i didnt want to disturb her. Then all of a sudden I felt someone, that did not feel like Harry's hands grab my waist, i was pulled back into this stranger, then i was pushed up against a wall and then i realised it was Cody Jurison, the school sleeze, he goes around hitting on girls, he's already tried it on me a few times but every time ive said no, so now he's trying a more physical approach on me. After he pushe d me against the wall I struggled and struggled but he was to strong. He started to kiss my lips and then ran down my jaw to my collar bone, I tried to push him off again but i could'nt, he slid his hands up my shirt and started fidling with my bra clasp, but then before he could undo it, I felt him being lifted off me, and I saw Harry holding him with one hand and making a fist with the other but before Harry could touch him at all he said "Harry dude, let go of me, we can share her, im sure she'll do us both fine" Then Harry gave him a big whack on the jaw which sent him to the ground. Harry then turned around and I ran into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me while Jake saw what happened and came over to help his best mate, Harry, beat Cody up. Tiffeny ran over to me and took me out of Harry's arms and came a sat me down, "omg Ash are you ok?' my concered friend asked me, "umm yeah i guess, just a bit frightened and shaken up" i replied, "are you sure?" she asked. Harry came back over to me after he had beaten Cody up and made him run away, and Harry lifted me up and sat down him self then put me on his lap, "babe are you ok?" he asked as i snuggled into his chest, "yeah, im just a bit shaken up" i replied to my gorgeous boyfriend.

Harry's POV

After Ash told me she was shaken up, i decided to take her home, not just for her own feeling but the rest of my band, one direction, would like to see her again, escpesially Louis. "babe let's go home the boys want to see you again and you could use the day off " i said to my baby as she got up off my lap and went over to Tiffeny who was motioning her to come.

Tiffeny's POV

I over heard Ash and Harry talking about one direction, then I heard him say the boys. "hey Ash, who's 'the boys' " i asked casually. She said "oh I knew this day would come, TIff do not go all fangirl on me because i know you love one direction, but Harry is 'the Harry Styles' and when he said 'the boys' he was talking about the rest of one direction, they are practicly my brothers they are so close to me." oh no i felt the fan girl banging on my lips as i wanted to scream, my best friend's boy friend is 'The Harry Styles'.

Ashleys POV

I could see that Tiff wanted to scream and jump around like a 14 year old but she restrained herself from it. I was watching her eye's widen and as the bell went and everyone else left the room, i told her "ok you can scream now" i said smiling at her.

Tiffeny's POV

When I heard her say i can scream now i screamed at the top of my lungs and ran up to Harry and jumped on his back.

Harry's POV

As I was about to turn around to walk away from the teacher, I heard screaming and felt someone land on my back, at first i thought it was Ash but then i heard a crazy fan's voice screaming my name, "OMG Harry Style's, my best friends boy friend is the Harry Style's" I turned around and saw Ash laughing her butt off at Tiffeny being latched onto my back. I grabbed her legs and spun her round my body then put her on a chair, and ran towards Ash who was already in position, I ran past her and as i did she jumped on my back as ran away from the mob of sceaming girls that had now formed with Tiffeny being at the front.

Ashley's POV

As Harry ran as fast as he could with me on his back towards the car, he opened the passenger's seat door before dropping me onto it then he ran aound to the drivers saet, got in and drove off at high speed. we were laughing all the way home and when we arrived at the appartment, and went inside we could not believe who was sitting on the couch talking with louis, it was...

Ha sorry guys cliffhanger, i hope you guys are enjoying my fan-fic so far, thanks for reading.

i love you guys so much xxxxxx

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