Chap 26

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(Should I put Annabeth's outfit on the top, because I don't really acknowledge that)

Annabeth's pov: (After this chapter, I am going to not write 'Annabeth's pov', because it will always be hers)

I could tell the others still hadn't forgiven themselves, for something they didn't even do.

I decided to speak up. "Guys, you don't have to treat me differently, I'm okay."

Frank answered first, which suprised me because he was usually a shy guy. "Are you sure?"

I bluntly nodded, and looked at the others faces. "And anyways, she is gone, and she won't be ever coming back, my father told me if she does come back, she'll be better."

"Now can we please stop acting all sorry for me, and go to the coffee shop like we promised?" I threw up my hands, exasperated.

Percy laughed. "An Annabeth without coffee, is an angry Annabeth."

"Damn right I am." I then proceeded to walk faster, we were supposed to be there about 15 minutes ago.

"C'mon guys!" I dragged each and every one of them until we reached the famous shop, in which we had decided to go every day, if not week, to talk and eat.



"She did what?!" Piper half-shouted, nearly dropping her capucinno on her beige top.

"Yeah, and I'm not ever allowed to go there ever again." Percy shrugged, and then taking a bite out of his sandwich.

We had all our food with us, and were munching on it greedily. Mine was a cup of tea, because why not, and I also had a panini to finish it off.

(I'm english, so of course I'll give her tea, and also because I've never had coffee 😂😂)

"Yeah, the best part is, she doesn't know my name, so no detention for me." He then threw his hand in the air, whilst I rolled my eyes.

"I sometimes wonder why I'm friends with you guys." I joked, taking a sip of my sweetened tea.

"You know you can leave, right?" Percy smirked at me, leaning in to show his amused face.

"Hey, hey. I said 'sometimes'. Not all the time." I pushed him back, then got out my homework and decided to do it here.

Thalia swiftly got out her hand, snatched the homework and put it next to her. "Thalia what the heck?" I nearly shouted, leaning over the table to get it out of her grasp.

"This is so we can talk, not to do homework that's probably due in, like, a month." Thalia replied, and then Hazel decided to open her mouth.

"You know Annabeth, your homework can wait till later, we've got more important stuff to discuss."

"Like what?" I should not have said that.

"Like the fact that you never ever speak about your family." Hazel shot out. "We know you have twin brothers, but you never speak about them."

"That's because there is nothing to speak about, except for the fact that they're annoying as hell." Sometimes I would wake up with a wet sock, courtesy of my brothers, other times I would find a fake mouse in my shoe, ready for my foot to step on.

No matter how many pranks they pull on me, or the amount of times I tell them to do stuff, I still love them, and they still love me.

"Hello, are you okay?" Leo was waving his hand over my face, I guess I must have zoned out.

"Huh. Yeah, I was just thinking about somethin-" I was about to finish off my sentence, when the TV near the front of the cash register turned on, startling the customers, including myself.

The national news anchor turned on. Oh Gods this can't be good.

'Breaking news, 3 businesses in New York have reportedly been robbed and owners were held captive by the infamous terrorist group, The Titans.

2 young women were killed in this process, who were in the shop trying to buy something. On the right of the wall was graffiti, a message by one of the terrorists.

'You caused this, now we shall end it.'

The owner thankfully turned off the TV, giving way to a small commotion.

"Thank Gods that turned off, it was giving me the creeps." Hazel whispered, Frank giving her a sympathetic look.

"You know what? Let's just forget we saw that, and carry on talking." Percy told everyone, his usual smirk was now gone and replaced with a frown.

"What were we speaking about again?" Rachel's hand was annoyingly intertwined with Percy's.

I checked the time, whilst my friends caught up on their conversation.

"Oh Gods, I got to go. Have to help Bobby with his project, I promised." I told everyone.

They all groaned. "Seriously, Annie? You always go so early." Thalia whined, giving back my unfinished homework.

"Don't call me Annie, and anyways there's still lots of you here, I'm pretty sure me being gone won't make a difference." I told them, picking up my bag and tightening my pony tail.

"Yeah, but when will we here annoying facts?" Jason piped up.

"Or seeing you do your famous eye rolling." Piper added, doing over dramatic jazz hands.

"Hey, I -"

Leo cut me off. "Or correcting our texts."

"Or asking if we did our homework." Hazel laughed, Frank joining in to.

"Or judo flipping us." Percy groaned, probably remembering when I did one to him.

"Don't forget out smarting us." Rachel said, laughing at my annoyed face.

"Well, I feel touched guys. But seriously, I have to go." I waved goodbye to them, and left, looking at my phone to check if I had any notifications.

I walked, no, I skipped away from the shop, I really was happy about my friends comments.

Remembering about the news report, I 'skipped' a little bit faster, I knew I wasn't a target on their 'hit list', but I definitely wasn't going to take any chances.

Walking past my house, I reached the alleyway where I always met up with him.

"Luke, we've got to find another area to talk and hang out." I laughed, finding my friend sitting down on an old trash can.

"Yeah, so your friends can find out, and then kill me." Luke retorted, causing me to laugh even more.

Please don't kill me, but yes, I became friends with Luke, best friends.

I know what you're wondering, but I remember Luke.

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