Chap 35

299 17 58

This goes to everyone who reads my book because everyone here are too nice!

Couple of days later:

"C'mon Annabeth, think." Thalia told me, bumping my shoulder.

I tried my hardest not to shout. "I'm trying, but I don't know if we can do this."

Thalia looked at everyone. "To be honest, I don't think anyone can do this, but it can't hurt to try."

It can't hurt to try?

Through the ways we are approaching this, it can KILL to try.

I nodded, unsure of what else to say, thankfully Percy broke the silence.

"So what you're saying is that The Titans and their henchmen will come out in exactly 6 months at exactly 12:30 midnight?" He looked skeptical.

I nodded. "Their messages had small marks on them, each one a number. At first I thought it was a misunderstanding, but I checked their other attacks and it all fell into one piece."

"Wow, Annabeth, sometimes I wonder if you're the daughter of Athena!" Leo laughed, but I felt a small tingle in the back of my head.

Maybe you are, maybe you-

"Yeah, so do I." I sighed, ignoring the extremely annoying voice in my head.

"Um, you okay?" Jason asked, sending a glance towards me.

I nodded, making sure to blink away the small tears that we're trying to get out. "What if you guys die?" I knew that I would, but I wouldn't be able to bear the guilt if someone else did.

"We'll try not to. And if we do then, that's our fault. Just remember Annabeth, you didn't force us to do this, we're doing this on our own will." Percy put his hand on my shoulder, relieving me of my past thoughts.

I sighed inwardly. Gods I just wanted to kiss him, but I felt it would be too awkward when we were talking about 'battle plans'.

"Just remind me why a bunch of problematic teens are basically trying to save the whole world, when the police were made for a reason?" Leo looked generally confused.

"Because, last time I checked, the police weren't doing their jobs correctly." Jason said, frowning at the last bit.

"Gods, it's hot in here!" Thalia shouted randomly.

"Thalia, if that's your excuse for the ice cream parlou-"

"Hey, you guys heard Annabeth, let's go!" Thalia waved her finger.

I rolled my eyes, but agreed nonetheless, we hadn't had a real talk in ages.


"You know, for a couple, you guys don't act like you're dating." Leo pointed at us, with a broken bit of his ice cream cone.

"Oh, what do you want us to do, kiss right next to you, so you can scream 'no pda'?" I told him, throwing a cherry at him.

Leo opened his mouth wide, and astonishingly managed to catch the cherry in his mouth.

We looked at him quizzically, whilst he shrugged. "What? I've been training."

I arched an eyebrow, then proceeded to throw away my rubbish in the trash can over to the right.

"We have 6 months, we can train." I told them, though I was convincing myself as well as them.

"What are we, superheroes?" Frank asked, but I could tell he wasn't joking.

"Nah, we don't have any special powers. Take out super that's what we are!" Leo said.

Percy nodded along. "Yeah, we're . . . we're the Heroes of New York!"

"Guys come on, we got to go and think, and just because Luke is still out there," I turned to the door. "Doesn't mean we don't have school."

"School?!" Leo spat out some of his ice cream, causing Hazel to move back. "We're freaking trying to stop the Titans, we don't need to go to school!"

"Well Leo, I'm afraid we do." Piper swatted his hand.

He slumped back, whilst dramatically rolling his eyes.

"Oh Gods, it's late, I've got to go." I called out to everyone, noticing their sad faces.

"How come you always go so early?" Frank asked, suspicion clear in his usually confused voice.

I then remembered that I didn't need to have to wait for Luke, because, because he -

"Oh yeah, I'll stay, I forgot I don't have to go early anymore." I told them, not being able to meet their eyes.

Percy seemed to notice. "You want to take a walk?"

"Y-yeah, yeah I do." I then helped him up, and opened the doors of the ice cream parlour.

We walked in silence. Not awkward, but comfortable, like the mere thought of us being alive since that close encounter with Luke made us want to cherish our lives, cherish the quiet.

After a while, I decided to break it. "Thank you."

Percy turned around towards me, and leaned closer. "It's okay, you're a strong person, you know."

My head started to feel fuzzy. "Why do you do this to me?"

"Do what?" His small smile turning into a slight frown.

"Oh Gods." I sighed, and right then and there, I kissed Percy.

This to me, didn't feel like a normal kiss, not a small peck. We stayed in this position forever moving a slight bit, until I leaned back to breathe again.

"Better?" He asked.


We decided to sit on a bench, and I leaned my shoulder against his. After what felt like 20 minutes of talking, my phone buzzed.

I fished out my phone and found a message from my dad.

Dad: I think it's time to tell you something . . .
Pls come home, I don't want to tell you in text.

I frowned as I read this, please don't have anything to do with Helen.


Percy turned a little to meet my eyes. "What's wrong, is it, is it Helen?"

I shook my head, and slowly got up, already missing his warmth.

"No, it's not. Just I got to go home." I smiled apologetically at him.

He nodded, gave me a reassuring hug, and then left, not uttering another word, for just his touch could still affect me.

I reluctantly walked home, and just let me tell you one thing.

I was definitely not prepared for what I saw in there.

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