"I want it to be just you and me"

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Tessa was at the foot of Mariah's hospital bed watching the nurses hook Mariah up to all the monitors.She could tell Mariah was in pain.

"Alright Mariah you are all hooked up this one watches the babies heartbeats"the nurse told her "We have paged your doctor she should be here in a few minutes. Just try and relax"she smiled at her 

"Thank You"Tessa said walking over to Mariah's side and took her hand"How are you doing"she asked her sympathetically

"I'm trying not to freak out"she told her wife her voice was shaky

"Hey"Tessa was stroking her hair"Everything is going to be okay you nothing to freak out about.This the day we have been waiting for"Tessa said trying to calm her down

"This is all happening so fast though. The books say it could take hours. It also said the contractions are usually are 10 minutes apart,mine are 6 minutes Tessa,6"she gasped as a contraction hit her.She squeezed Tessa's hand"This is to fast"she said 

"Breathe in and out"she said stroking her thumb over Mariah's hand"Maybe they just want to meet us so bad"she laughed

As the contraction passed there was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in 

"Mariah"she said with a smile"Today finally the day"she said 

Tessa and Mariah smiled and glanced at each other

The doctor sat on the stool in front of Mariah"So tell me when all this started Mariah"

"I'm not sure,I have been in pain all day with my back"she started to say when Tessa looked at her 

"Excuse me  ALL day, and you never said anything to me"she yelled at her 

"I thought it was just my back at the time,you know how much it has been hurting lately.So I just thought it was that. I started feeling really sharp pains in the car on the way to my Moms"Mariah panicked "Crap we need to still call her"

"Hey, we will call her as soon  as the doctor is done checking you okay"Tessa said rubbing her arm

Mariah nodded 

"So when did the really sharp pains start"the doctor asked 

"About a hour ago"Tessa answered for Mariah

"And how far apart are your contractions"she asked standing up

"6 minutes"Mariah told her

The doctor nodded"Did your water break yet"she asked 

"When she got out of the car"Tessa told her 

"Alright lets see how far along you are shell we"she said as she was examining her"Looks like you are only at 4 centimeter"she told her 

"How could that be when my contractions are close together"Mariah asked 

"What I think happened was you were having contractions all day but you never realized it.Those back pains you were feeling were contractions,even though they felt like nothing they caused you to go into fast labor"she told her 

"So I have been in labor most of the day"

"Seems that way, I'll come check on you in a few hours before I go Mariah to you want an epidural"she asked her 

"No"she said 

"What are you crazy"  Tessa was in shock

Mariah looked at Tessa then the doctor"I'm good thank you"

"Very well then I'll be back soon"she told her then left 

Tessa sat on the bed in front of Mariah"Mar, are you sure you don't want anything for the pain you are in"

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