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We're all going to die someday. It can be the day after your birth or the day before your 100th birthday. My mother was one of those people who said it didn't matter how old a person is when she or he dies. What matter is what they did during the time they was alive. With that sight of life, wisedom and beautiful mind she got I though she'd live forever. Unfortunately, it didn't work like that. The night at the hospital, the long hurtful pip, and all the doctors and my soft hand in my mother's. It all was terrible, I could feel her die in my fingertips.

Living at Mr. Barbour and Ms. Barbour's place were not that bad though. They were both sweet and held me every night I cried, and asked me everyday how I was feeling and let me skip school when I felt too bad. I just lived there in 3 months after my mother's death, until I week ago I took my flight to Las Vegas to live with my father. I can't say it was bad. Sure, he did not pick me up when I landed, and I've already understand that he's an alcoholic. Instead Xandra, my stepmother, got to pick me up because my father was too busy. But I got a bedroom, pretty good, and food in my stomach and they let me go out whenever I wanted. Though the night weren't really my favorite time, both my father and Xandra drunk and it have alredy been a couple of times they'll shiw up on the front porch after spendjng many hours at their friends house.

But I kept texting Mr. Barbour everyday, told him how I was feeling. I did not want to talk about such things with my father. It did not even feel like he is my father, then me and mom left him when I was five, because he was too violent. Moving to Vegas again, after eight years was though. Don't judge for talking like I have lived here for years, because, it feels just like that. I just had Xandra and my father to talk to and sometimes they bring friends but then I just lock in myself in my room. Spending the entire night reading harry potter on the floor. I liked those night, honestly, I could just be by myself, reading the book and texting Mr. Barbour.

I woke up early this morning, knowing that both my father and Xandra had start working and that the summer break started a week ago as well. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a soft short shirt, took my glasses and went out to the kitchen. Where my legs did not let me go any longer. It was someone sitting on the couch, smoking. I swallowed hard. The curly, black haired person turned around and faced me. His. His brown, almost black eyes stared into mine as he took another smoke.

"Who the hell are you?" I said, looking down his body, just to notice that he's clothes was the same colour as his hair and eyes. Black. It all was black.

"Oh hi, um. I spent the night here. I'm Boris Pavlikolvsky, a friend of your parents." He said with an Russian accent and I nodded slow. But he is in my age? Maybe a few years older, he looked pretty grown up.

"They ain't here, anyway." I said before I went to the sink and got me a glass of water. I hesitated, before I took a seat in from of him and started to drink of the water. Boris watching every single little movement.

"I know. I'm just here to meet you. Your father told me about you." He said, stubbed the cigarette in the window and took a sip of the glass on the table. It smelled so strong. Liquor.
He drank it all at once and I swallowed hard, starting to sip my water. Was he even allowed to drink this, and the cigarettes.

"Why'd you like to meet me?" The words left my lips before I could even think them. Boris smiled, or rather skinned, played with his empty glass.

"You seems interesting, Theodore Decker." I swallowed hard, dancing the table with red checks. "But I gotta go. Dad will fuck me up if I don't." He said, raises from the seat and went to the sink and left the glass, and my eyes followed him out to the hallway. I sigh low. This is my only chance to get a contact with someone in my own age. Come on Theo! Talk to him!

"Wait!" I said, or more shouted, before I raised from the seat as well and ran out to him. I blushed. "Do you want to do something.. You know. um." He mumbled low and Boris smirked more and more for every single word as left Theo's innocent mouth. With made him just blush even more. He did not understand why he had to ask just Boris, a boy older than him and I'm the clothes of trouble. Whole him screamed trouble.

"Of course. I'll come back soon, okay. I just have a few things to handle first." He said, winked with his left eye and I licked my lips quickly, and nodded. He left the house and I sat down on the couch with a confused face. Who the he'll was this boy? And why did I just ask him to do something with me? I shook my head. It's probably Becouse of mom. I felt so desperate for human anatomy. I miss her hugs, and her kiss on my forehead at nights. Even Ms. Barbour did such thinks. I don't know if Boris could fix any of this, but something special did I see in his eyes and now I couldn't but think of him as attractive. His look was so dangerous. And I liked it.

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