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It was the first thing Theo thought about when he woke up five days later, his eyes stuck on the girl right next to his bed, who played with Popper. Something she always did when she waited on Theo to wake up.

This week have probably been the best week this summer, he thought as he sat up, ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. He and Pippa had spent all the time together and had a really nice time. The sad thing was that she'd go home on Saturday, but both Theo and Pippa tried to not think about it at all. They wanted to be happy when they were with each other, not thinking about the fact that it can take months, maybe years, before they'll meet again.

"Good morning, sunshine." Theo mumbled, yawning as he threw away the cover from his body and stood up.

"Morning!" Pippa answered, cuddling Popper in her arms as she watched Theo going to his wardrobe, just wearing his basic coloured boxers. She did not care, even though she found it some way attractive. He had a beautiful body (it had changed extremely much the last years when they hadn't seen each other) but she had seen Theo too many times without clothes to either find it surprising or embarrassing.

She stood up from the mattress, taking potter in her arms and examined her dress. It was her favourite - a blue one with small, beautiful roses. Many people, even Theo, had said that she matched her eyes and digs at her body - and it was probably why she liked it so much.

"Any plans for today?" She said, sat down on Theos bed instead, feeling the soft sheets in the knee patch. Potter waved with his tail as he jumped out from Pippa's grip and played around on Theos bed. She really loved animals.

"Um.. actually yes." Theo said, pulling out a pair of jeans shorts, and a black t-shirt written "never summer" on. It wasn't really his style, even though he looked good in it, Pippa though.

And it was absolutely not Theos style of clothes. It was Boris t shirt, but Theo did not really care and I knew that Boris wouldn't mind seeing him wearing it.

"Um, it's a party on the beach tonight, if you wanna go." Theo mumbled feeling how his checks turned light red as he put on the clothes and sat down beside Pippa on his bed, his fingers nervously tapping on his leg. Pippa frowned, cuddled up Popper in her arms again and swallowed hard.

"A party? Like, with alcohol and.." she mumbled, looked up at Theo with her pale blue, meeting his. He nodded slowly, with a unsure smile on his small, light pink lips. "Um okay. It's sounds nice."

Theo smiled wide, wrapping a arm around her shoulders and placed a short kiss on her check, making them both blush and try to hide theirs faces from each other.


"How do I look?"

Pippa turned around, looking at her reflection in the mirror, examining her body as was covered with a pink, dress. It was a soft one, tight at the upper part of the body, and ended just a few centimetres over her knees. She hadn't packed really part dresses, then she never had the idea that they would be going to one, but this was obviously the dress that digs in in a party the most.

"You look... pretty." Theo mumbled, his lips in a thin line as he examined Pippa's body from top to bottom, he still wearing Boris never summer t-shirt, with a new pair blue, ripped jeans. Pippa had made up his hair with hairwax, which looked pretty good. He don't want to lie, it liked awesome.

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