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"Bye then, small bean." Boris waved to me as I opened the door. I gave him a quick smile, before I closed the door and kicked of my shoes. Xandra and my father was home by now, which I'm kind of happy for. Boris had shared another cigarette with me and the bottle of vodka was almost empty when the clock hit five pm and we started to go home. I won't say that he made me do it, even though it was him as gave it to me, but I wanted to. I wanted to and it still feels good, but my eyesight had become a little blurred. I went into the kitchen and Xandra, who was standing in front of the oven cooking food, looked at me quickly and smiled wide.

"Hi, Theo!" she said lightly, left the oven and went across the kitchen to lean down and hug me. I answered her hug with a smile. Honestly, Xandra was almost sweet. Almost. Sure, she drank and smoke a lot, just like my father. But she had a sweet sole and she asked me how I was feeling every morning and night, she said goodnight and so on. But unfortunately, she'll never get the special feeling as my mother.

"Have you smoke?" She let go from the hug and looked me deep and seriously into my eyes. I shook my head. "Nope." I lied. Her seriously face turned into a smile as she ran a hand through my head. "Good boy." she said. She went back to the oven and turned on the hamburgers. It smelled good.

"Where's dad?" I asked. She cough, turned around and smiled. "He'll come home soon." she said. "What have you done today?" she added. I looked down on my t-shirt. It was still a little wet, or was it just me? "I was with Boris. We went swimming." I mumbled. Xandra looked shocked when she turned around to face me.

"Oh." she said surprised. I gave her an confused look. "Swimming with Boris Pavlikolvsky." she said, and smiled. I smiled back and nodded. She turned around to the oven again. "He's an sweetheart. He just... dress up a little driffrent than other people and do things that other sixteen years old boy don't do, you know?" she said and I hummed. "I'm glad you met him."

"Me too." I said, faced the ground with a lightly smile before I went to my bedroom and crawled into my pillow, dug me sown in my second Harry Potter book. I sat there in just a few minutes, heard my dad get in, how he and Xandra started to talk about their day and later how Xandra shouted that dinner's ready. I left my bedroom, felt how a headache embraces my head and my eyesight just got blurred in a few seconds. But it still felt amazing, I did not know if it was the cigarette or the vodka as affected me the most. Probably both. But it still felt good as hell. It felt like I was a teddy bear, dancing on a bunch of clouds.

I sat down on one of the chairs around the dinner table and started to put on food on my plate. Larry - dad - cut off the silence with a cough, facing me as he swallowed his food.

"What have you done today, son?" L- dad said, took a sip of his glass of wine and smiled at me. I smiled back, looked down on my plate and played a little in the food with my fork.


"He went swimming with Boris. Patrick's son." Xandra cut me off, smiled at me with a lightly smile. I smiled back, blushing. I don't knoe why. My father chuckled low, but nodded.

"He's a nice kid. Except when he's just coming over to empty our drinks cabient." he chuckled and once I again, I blushed and laughed low. It was funny, talking about Boris, even one of those things that makes no sense. I wanted to know more about him, and it was fun to finally hang out with someone.

"I remember that night he come over and ended up in the couch, almost dead after smoking a bag of weed." Xandra added and in the heat of the moment I get worried, before I could imagine the sight inside my head and answered her laugh.

"You guys are good friends?" I asked, slowly eating my food. Xandra shrugged, sipping on his wine. "Yeah, sort of. We're good friends with his father, though. But this is almost like Boris second home." she said. "His father is so rude to him, want him to grow up so fast. It's horrible." she added. My smile evansce and I nodded slowly.

"I'm happy you got to meet him. You'll probably see much of him this summer." My father mumbled. "But that's just good. Me and Xandra will probably have much of work this summer in Paris and London. Then you've someone to hang out with." he added and I frown before I nodded. Xandra once told me what they worked with but I had forgot just a minute after she told me. But it did not matter that much, actually. I'm fourteen. I can take car of myself. Right?

"Y-yeah." I said.

Ten minutes later, ten minutes tight and heavy silence, I got enough, thanked for the food and went to my room again. Send a quickly goodnight to Mr. Barbour before I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, said goodnight to Xandra and my dad, before I let my cover embrace my body and the Harry Potter book, page 254, take my entire focus. I read in almost 40 minutes before I took of my clothes and turned of the light. Placed my glasses under the lamp on the bedside table.

I sight, stared up on the ceiling. Suddenly Boris face come up in front of me, and I closed my eyes. Sighing. Why? Why couldn't I stop think about him.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I mumbled low. His touches... I opened my eyes of the weird feeling as embraced my whole body, sat up quickly. I breath heavy. Still with the feeling of Boris' hands on my shoulders, fondle down my arms, his chest against my own.

"No..No..No.." I pulled down a hand under the cower, lead it under my underwear and swallowed hard. "Ugh." I sigh low, threw back my head in the pillow as my fingers curled the hard, stright objegt. I moan low.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I whispered to my self, once again, hoping that Xandra and Larry won't hear me. I started to slowly rub up and down, low moans searching out from my mouth when I staeted to rub it hard and faster.

The feeling of Boris hands embraced my body as a fiery spark attacked my body, making my hand go faster and faster up and down. His black curly hair, his almost black eyes and his plump lips with that stupid grin. I moan low, feeling the sweat wet up my back and chest.

"A-ah. fuck." I mumbled, felt how I hit my each and lay down straight on my bed. Felt my wet hand searching out from my underwear and clean of on the sheets. It's disgusting yeah, but I'll change tomorrow. I did not want Xandra or my father to mistake something. At all. Even thought this was something that almost in my age spent every night to do.

My breath pumped up and down, working hard to take in the air. My body was all wet of sweat when I turned around, closing my eyes.

"I am not gay." was the last thing I heard from myself before everything went black, and I fell asleep, still with the feeling of Boris hands turning my body.


I told you...
This was so embarrassing. But I hope you all appreciate it.

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