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The both of them ended up almost black outed that afternoon, giggling, with the television in the background. A pack of grass was thrown on the floor next to their bodies, just like a couple of beers and an almost empty bottle of straight vodka.

"When do Xandra and La-Larry come back home?" Boris stuttered, blowing away hair from his face and stared up at the ceiling. Theo shrugged, sat up and took the bottle of vodka, staring at the last sip as was left on the bottom. He looked down at Boris, "share?"

Boris shook his head, sat up and crawled up on the couch while Theo sipped the last of the drink, before he ended up beside Boris on the couch, them both looking down on their mess. It was boxes of drugs and grass everywhere, empty bottles and a ashtray filled with both home made and bought cigarettes.

"It's probably 400$ thrown all over your floor right now, potter." Boris giggled and ran a hand though his curly hair, licking his lips. Theo nodded.

"Should we clean it up?" He asked, looking up at Boris with empty eyes. Boris looked down on their mess, furrowing his forehead.

"Nah, let's do it later." He said and stood up, went to the kitchen. Theo looked down on the floor, causing a little smile on his lips. Who said a thirteen years old nerd couldn't get high, drunk and have a lot of gay sex during one summer?

Theo heard Boris open a beer In the kitchen, before he went out to the living room again and stretched out his free hand to Theo, sipping his beer aggressively.

"Let go bath instead. I'm hot." Boris said when he eventually let go from the beer and grinned at Theo. "But you probably already know that." He said, winning. Theo rolled his eyes and stood up.

"You queer." He said when he passed by Boris, to get to the glass doors and go out to the backyard, where the pool was. Boris had told him a week ago that they had a pool as well, but they didn't use it. It was just sand at the bottom.

"Don't say that." Boris said seriously, following Theo out to the hot air, the sun hitting their bodies as Boris unbuckled his pants, holding his beer while he jumped on one leg to get of his pants, Theo glancing at him before he threw of his t-shirt and pants, watching Boris placing the beer at the edge of the pool and threw of his t-shirt as well.

"You ready, faggot?!" Boris shouted, smiling at Theo as he stood at the edge of the pool, with just his black boxers. Theo threw his clothes beside boris', sighing and stood next to him.

"You know I can't swim, right?" He said, Boris chuckled and nodded. "It won't stop me to make you bath, asshole." Boris laughed lightly. "It just makes the whole thing funnier."

"Oh, fuck off, Pavlikovsky." Theo sighed, trying his best to pretend to be annoyed, but the butterflies in his stomach wanted to do something else.

"You really want me to do it, again?" Theodore could see Boris' grin at the corner of his eye, feeling how his checks flashed up.

"Oh- wait. My phone is calling." Theo had been focusing on the feeling standing almost naked beside Boris that he hadn't even heard the ringtone, before Boris went to his pants and pulled it up from the pocket. He pulled the phone against his ear, Theo watching him, still standing at the edge of the pool.

"What the fuck do you want now, then?" He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yes. No. But- Okay. Yeah sure, see ya." Boris sighed and hang up the call, throwing the phone on his clothes. He sat up from the sunchair and went back to two, placing a hand on his back and on on his shoulder.

"Let's just cuddle, kay?" He whispered, making Theos eyes widen. Here? Now? On the outside?

"What if someone sees us? We dont want to be catch, remember?" Theo mumbled unsure and low, Boris taking as step closer to him and slowly and carefully pulled down Theo to the ground, carefully laying him down.

"No one will see us, Potter. We're not going to get catch." Boris whisper, looking down on Theos body as he slowly leaned down and started to leave wet and slow kisses on his collarbone, Theo biting his bottom lip hard, trying to not groan or show Boris how much he actually liked it. Liked to have Boris' body on his, feeling his lips on his skin, and the toxic smoke and liquor in his blood, how amazing he felt and how scared he was. Scared of the truth behind all those feelings.

"Mm, potter." Boris mumbled, kissing Theos neck as he placed his hands on his waist, for once enjoying the sun as burned on his pale skin. "It was my sister who called." Boris mumbled, let go from the kisses and looked down at Theo, waiting for an answer.

"Ah, why?" Theo said, frowning. Curious. Why'd Boris' sister's call him? Sure, they're siblings, but they lived at his aunt place, right? Boris sighed.

"They're moving back home, with Matilda. My aunt. They wanted me to come home." He sighed and Theo rolled in his lips tight, to a thin line, nodding understanding. He really wanted Boris to stay - he actually didn't know why, he just didn't want to feel lonely, he suppose - but he couldn't keep him away from his family.

"Oh okay." Theo mumbled.

"You can come with me. You can see my room, and how I live. You know, we can spend the night just me and you, and we can have a chill night. With chips and soda." Boris said, say up and Theo looked up at him surprised.

"Without drugs?"

Boris nodded.

"And grass?"

Boris nodded.

"And alcohol?"

"But for fucks sake, yes, Decker." Boris rolled his eyes, trying to keep his face straight but Theodore could see his wide smile otherwise. Theo threw his arms around Boris neck, hugging him rightly, pleasuring their skin against one other's. The butterflies playing around in his stomach.

"Ow, I'd love to." Theo giggled. Boris laughed lightly, grabbing Theos area and released the hug. "Good." He said, looking deep inside Theos eyes before he leaned in, pressing his lips against Theos, slowly pulling him down on the ground again, this time let his body fell down on his. Their sensitive spots playing against each other while their lips moves fast against each other, the both of them letting out a few moans.

"Oh, Boris." The moaned as he let go from air, "I love you." He pressed his lips against Boris again, with wide eyes of what he just said. He let his hands search up to Boris hair, interlocked his fingers with his curls.

"No you don't." Boris whispered under his breath, still with closed eyes as he started to rub his underwear faster against Theo's, moaning loudly. Theo sighed on the inside, thought that he'll start to cry for a second, before he wrapped his legs around Boris waist and whispered three words that hurt him much more than he thought they'd do.

"No, I don't."


Lol. 65 away from 1K.

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