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Two alone and quiet weeks went by without any Boris or fights at home, when Boris eventually showed up at Theos porch, asking him to go on a party with him and Beverly. Xandra och Larry was in the living room, watching some reality show on the television with each beer. The clock was around 8 pm on a friday, two weeks before school start.

"I don't know.. I mean, I don't want to be thirty wheel." Theo sighed, looking back to the living room, making sure that Xandra and Larry weren't looking back at them or secretly listening on their talk. Boris sighed.

"C'mon Theo. You won't." Boris took a step forwards and effort a second Theo fought that Boris would kiss his neck or coral bone - as he use to do when he wanted something. But instead, he just picked Theo on the shoulder, laughing short and lightly. Theo bite his bottom lip, slowly nodding. "Okay, then."

"Good!!" Boris smile shined, as he leaned down and gave Theo his shoes and jacket. Theo chuckled low to Boris hype, as he pulled on his clothes and said good bye to Xandra and Larry before them both left the house and went down the street.

The breath in the fresh air. He had spent the day cleaning up his room from all these dirty clothes as was thrown all over the floor, and made his bed for the first time in one week. Also a couple of hours with video games. The only time he was outside was when he smoked by himself - watching the woman's and man's looking weird on him when they passed by.

"Where's the party?" Theo asked, ran a hand through his hair - making it a little messy at least. He didn't want to look like a nerd on his first party, but not like an rebel either. Just a 13 (almost 14) years old boy wanting to have a nice night or something like that.

"The beach on the west side. It's the best party's in this shitty town, I promise!" Boris said excited, placing a arm around Theos shoulders. Theo shuddered of Boris touch, but smiled wide, facing the ground. "They do always have party's there on Fridays, whole summer, even whole August." Boris added, before he let go from his grip around Theos shoulder. Theo looked up confused, just to see a red haired girl standing right in front of his feets.

"Hey, baby." Boris mumbled, walking up to her and placed a hand on her check, pressing his lips against hers passionate. Theo frowned disgusted, but slowly went against them, when they stopped their kiss and took one other's hand.

"This is Beverly, my girlfriend." Boris smiled. Theo tried to smile as wide as he could, shook Beverly hand slowly. "Theo." He said.

"Well hello, Theo. I hope you're good at partying."


The hours went by, slowly, boring and loud. The people ran around, some throwing up, bathing, drinking, or even shagging - disgusting, huh? Well, Theo thought that at least. He just sat on the bench next to Boris the whole time, and just like he had expected, he was the thirty wheel. Boris and Beverly kissed like every fifth minute, talked to a lot of people Theo had never seen and never talked to him except when Beverly asked him to bring her a beer or something.

He wasn't that fond of her, though. Sure, she was beautiful. Had long, red - orange hair, freckles and beautiful blue eyes, but she treated him as an idiot, or a slave. Like someone she could play with.

"Could you bring me my cigarettes, Teo?"

Theo sighed, stretched after her purse and searched up her pack of cigarettes and lighter, gave it till her. "Theo." He corrected, getting a bunch of Boris elbow. Theo rolled his eyes, looking down on his glass of vodka, taking a sip and stood up from his seat, catching Boris eyes quickly.

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