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The way home to Boris was long, hot and hard. He lived on the other side of the small, boring town we lived in. It wasn't really a town, yet still a city. Theo carried around on his bag filled with new clothes for the next day, while Boris just held an umbrella. Theo thought it was weird from the start, going around wit an umbrella in the middle of July, ecpessialy in Las Vegas. But when Boris told him that it was because of the heat, Theo didn't argument anymore about that.

Right now he was really thankful.

The taste of each other's lips was still on the others lips, and they both of them secretly pleasures it. Theo felt embarrassed when they arrived the house, examining it. It was a simple house, similar to his own - red, with wide corners and a red roof - simple.

"You didn't tell your sister I'd join ya?" Theo mumbled when they walked up on the porch, Boris simple shaking his head and opening the door as if it was the easiest thing on earth. Theo knew that just like himself, Boris was still drunk and high, and it scared him what his aunt would say about it. He haven't met any of Boris family members, and he admit for himself that he was totally scared about what they'd think about him. Like he was some sort of Boris girlfriend on the first family dinner. Wanting to impress, and show how amazing and sweet she'd be.

"You coming?" Boris looked back at Theo and Theo nodded fast, arrived the house and kicked of his shoes and placed them next to Boris shoes, following him to what he thought was the living room, just to meet of the sight of a bunch of girls and a woman sitting here and there I'm the room, doing different things all of them.

"Boris!" The woman stood up, went over to us and embraced her arms around his body, tightly. Theo looked down on the floor, blushing. "Hi, Matilda." Boris mumbled, giving Theo send-me-help-before-i-die eyes, causing Theo to smile a little.

"Ugh, you have smoked again. And vodka, Boris. This isn't good for you, you know!" She said, frowning and gave him an disaponted look. Boris rolled his eyes and sighed. "Not give me those eyes, no more smoking inside from now on, okay? If so through a window or something." She said before she hugged him once again. "You okay, my dear?" Boris just nodded as she let go from their hug and the woman - as Theo suppose was Matilda - threw a eye on him, making his whole body tense.

"And who is this handsome young man, Boris?" The woman smiled, head over to Theo, with a wide smile. It wasn't before this Theo actually could examining her and see how she looked like. She had black hair, just like Boris, shaft short, her eyes was deep, dark green and her smile was shiny and beautiful. Her clothes matching her eyes.

"Oh, this is Theo. He's staying the night, if it's alright?" Boris said, placing a arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him with a elevated eyebrow.

"Of course!! Go and hang out with your sisters now, Boris. While I'm making dinner." Matilda said and started to go to the kitchen, but turned around before she left the living room. "You both like chicken, right?" She said, me and Boris both nodding with smiles on our lips before she left the room completely.

"Ugh. Boris." A girl said, causing Theo to turn around, just to see the oldest girl go toward them. It was three girls, one probably in the age of ours, maybe older, and the other two younger - like Andy's little siblings.

"I missed you." She said and surprisingly placed each arm on both Theo and Boris shoulders, dragging in the both of them into a tight hug. Theo doesn't know what to do, so he just stood there, with two peoples bodies pressed against him at the same time.

"Ouch, you both smell weed And vodka." The girl grimaced, let go from the hug and stretched out a hand toward me. "I'm Lizzy, by the way, Boris oldest sister. You can call me whatever you want." She said and I nodded short, smiling and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Lizzy." Theo said, with a charm smile before he and Boris went to the couch and said hi to his smaller sister's, and watched movie with them. Even if his head hurt as hell, he laughed and pretended that everything was fine. 'Cause it basically was. His sister's was really nice, Matilda as well, and Boris seemed very happy with them as well.


"Thank you for the food, Matilda. It was wonderful." Theo mumbled, while placing his plate and cutlery in the dishwasher, stood up beside Boris, holding his back in his hand.

"No problem, sweetie." Matilda said. Boris leaned in to Theos ear, wish a soft smile on his lips. "Wanna see my room?" He whispered, Theo nodding excited. He had thought about Boris room during the dinner, how he expected how it'd look like.

Maybe a little merry, with clothes here and there. He had no idea. The rest of Boris was normal, like Theos house, or anyone else's house. Just not that empty as it was in Theos house - cause it was really empty and open. Xandra and Larry probably didn't like things or something. In Theos apartment in New York was filled with things from top till bottom, everywhere.

Boris followed Theo to the living room, taking his hand when he was sure that no one saw them, and ran up the stairs with a exited smile. Like a six years old boy as would show his friend his new toy, or a girl who would get make up from her bigger sister. Theo didn't really know how to describe the smile Boris wore, but it was beautiful. It finally showed something more than just a smile for once.


Boring chapter. Ugh.
But I've plans for this book.
Badr al-Dine...🌚💗

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