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Theo interlocked his bony fingers with mine, which sent shivers down my spine. I smiled, looked down on our interlocked finger, as I lean in and left a soft kiss on his bottom lip. Sure, I had spent the last hour locked in my room, tipple on my father's Strawberry tasting vodka as I smoked almost a whole pack of cigarettes. I had anxiety about kissing and almost making out with Theo earlier. How my mouth played with his dick, and how much we both enjoyed it. I knew I'm not gay, I KNOW I am, to 100%, but the pleasure of his body was too addicting and I ended up at his place again.

My father yelled at me when I come home. Told me what a mistake I was and how he wished I could be more like my younger sisters and my older brother, not smoking, not drinking ot raking drugs everyday, having good grades and not hanging out with different girls every weekend. If I told him that I had just suck dick he'd probably freak out. He hated faggots from the deepest place in his heart, and would never accept that me and my brother dated another guy. Ever. Which, I'll never do otherwise.

"You look beautiful." I whispered, not knowing where the words came from. They just left my mouth, and somewhere I knew they were true. I examining the small, pale skinning face carefully, and couldn't except to found it very attractive. His straight jawline, his small little nose, his blue, bright, just filled eyes as stared into mine and his small, pink, kissible lips as I recently found out that I loved to kiss. And his blonde hair, as most was a sexy mess.

"You asshole. Look at yourself." He whispered low, smirking and laughing lightly. I could see his red checks and couldn't stop smiling at the fact that I make he blush. I wrap my arm against his body, pulling him closer to me and placed a soft kiss on his nose, making he giggle and blushing even more. I knew straight that Theo isn't gay, but I could not stop think about him as a gay person. Even though it's so much different between a straight person and a gay person.

But whatever. We both are straight but we almost had sex with each other this morning? and look where we are now.

I had found him attractive when he walked into the kitchen yesterday, when I sat in the kitchen and smokes weed and drank the usual vodka glass. I couldn't stop stare at him, and stuttered imminently. I got so upset about the way he effected my body, just to start talking and look at me. And unfortunately, the feelings just got bigger and bigger and I've no idea how to stop feel like this. Or if I even wanted to stop feel like this. I've never felt like this when I made out with girls, licked their weird body's and let them suck my dick. Sure, it felt good. But this feeling when I gave Theo a blowjob was so... extra.

"What're you thinking about, Boris?" Theo whispered and I smiled at him, took a soft and careful grip around his glasses and laid them on the bedside table instead. Theodore giggled a little.

"Nothing, potter." I whispered. "Absolutely nothing."

I sat up, started to take of my clothes and Theo stared at me, confused and with huge eyes. I chuckled low, knowing what was going on in his head in the moment. I laid down next to him again, just wearing my black boxers. "I don't want to sleep in my clothes." I whispered, and Theo nodded his head, started to take of his clothes as well. He laid down next to me, placing the cover over our almost naked bodies.

Even though the empty bottle of vodka on my bedroom floor and the empty pack of cancer sticks, I felt pretty sober when I placed my arms around his body, pulled him closer. Pleasuring the feeling of his skin against mine. It was like cuddling a teddy bear, but more comfortable and much better.

"Are your door locked?" I whispered, digging in my face between his neck and jawline, placing small, soft, kisses. Theo nodded short, swallowing hard. "I like your small bruises, by the way, potter." I whispered, smirking, looking down on his body filled with hickeys. He blushed, looking away. I laughed lightly, before I laid down, placed his head on my chest and held his body hard, enjoying every single second I was able to hold his body.


The next morning the both of us woke up when Xandra knocked on the door, just saying that she and Larry left for work. We did not start talk until we both heard the front door closed and locked, just to make sure none will realise that I was there.

"Good morning." Theo yawned, wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me down on't back and sat down on my waist, letting his lips kiss me aggressively. I kissed back, placing my hands on his spine.

"Good morning, sexy." I whispered, pulling his body closer to be, made the kiss deeper and let out tongues clash together in harmony. Theo suddenly moaned, and I could not stop smiling of the beautiful, attractive, loving sound.

"Let's eat breakfast before we eat up each other." I whispered, smirking, and Theo agreed with a not, let go from the kiss with a giggle. He stood up from the bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I sat up with a groan, pulled on the clothes I wore yesterday. I followed him to the kitchen, sighing over my messy hair. I studied him pick out a few things from the fridge, see his movement just drive me more and more crazy. But I just wanted to the enjoy the moment. Still a little drunk from yesterday, but even though that I still felt sober. Like I had all control over my body, and my feelings.

"Sandwich?" Theo turned around and I nodded, smiling and walked over to him. I took a deep breath, placing my hand on his back and stoped his movement, just to make him look up at me.

"I miss kissing you." I whisper. Theo giggled, blushing.

"You kissed me five minutes ago?" he said shyly.

"Five minutes too long." I whispered, leaned down and placed my lips against his. Theo moaned, kissed back and wrapped his hands on my neck, interlocked his fingers with my curly hair as he messaged my lips passionate.

"We scream gay, do you know that?" he whispered, let go from the kiss and I sighed with a smile, and nodded.

"Yeah. I know. But what if I do it on purpose." I whispered, before pressing my lips against his again, more aggressive and harder this time, felt my entire body warming up desperately after his body. But it wasn't the only thing that ran through my mind.

I stood there, in the middle of his kitchen, kissing him passionate, trying to figure out what I actually felt about this boy, while I asked to myself if I'd tell him that my father is diagnosed by cancer.


I love these goals moment. But their relationship is more toxic than beautiful :( I've to get a more dirty mind haha!

Part 9... what do you think so far?♡

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