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Theo got a little surprised when he arrived Eric's bedroom a few hours later, after school. First of all, he had the whole basement floor for himself, it was so big and light - nothing he had expected. None of his friends back in New York had this big room.

"Whoa. Nice place." Theo said as he sat down on Eric's - just like everything else in the room - big bed and examined the room, all the ditalies. It was posters of boy bands and football teams here and there on the white walls. Eric laughed lightly and sat down next to theo, rolling in his lips to a thin line. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" he said, cutting of the sentence in the room and Theo faced him quickly. He was confused in a short second before he eventually remembered the actually reason he was here for. "Take your time. We have all night, my parents won't be home until tomorrow after school. And my sister is staying at her friend" s place tonight. You know.. Like a girly sleepover." Eric added, rolling his eyes and Theo felt relieved as he left a lightly laugh.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you about this but it feels like I really need someone to talk to." Theo startled. If Eric tells everyone about this Boris would never forget him. NEVER EVER. "I know that you guys had something before, but you're like my closest friend by now. Even though we have just hang out a few times and so on." Theo sighed and Eric placed a hand on theos shoulder, and leaned in. At first theo thought that Eric was about to kiss him, before he embraced his body and hugged him hard.

" I'll be here for you no matter what, theo. And I know, just like you, that we don't know each other that much. But I just feel this connection between us that says that we'll work together very well and no matter what I'll still be your friend." Eric said and let go from the hug. Theo looked surprised on him and nodded, licking his bottom lip and for a second he felt that he had bitten his bottom lip a little too much the last weeks. It started to hurt a little.

"Me and Boris met for the first time three months ago, in my kitchen. He took me swimming the first day and already there I could feel a special feeling for him, I just didn't know what. I supise it was just sexual emotions or something. Whatever. All I could tell was that we spent the week together and had a lot of drunk nights with drugs and sex. I know it sounds stupid, I know I sound stupid." Theo licked his lips. "anyways, he got together with Beverly and he totally forgot about me and that when I finally come up with how much I actually needed him. I missed him and I needed him. I tried to hang out with them together, and thats when I met you. Then we had a fight and my friend from new tourk come over for a weekend and.. " Theo couldn't barely breath."I fell in love with him. And yesterday Boris took me into one of the bathrooms and said that he loved me too. And from that on we became a... Thing you know?" Eric looked surprised on him.

"Either me and Boris is ready to come out as gay and I thought it would work well yesterday! But now when I really sees what it'd be like I don't know if I can't take it. I love him, yes, with my entire heart. But he is treating me like he doesn't even care about me anymore. Just because he don't want his friends or someone else to call him a fag?! I know that it would be painful if we comes out, but honestly I think it more painful that we don't comes out soon. It has only been one day and I'm already drooling after him in the corridors. It feels like I'll run up to him and kiss him but he's going to pull me away, just because he's suppose to be straight or something." Theo sighed deep, threw himself back on Eric's bed and glansed at the ceiling." And as fast i was close to you he was staring at us like he wanted to kill, seriously. The worst thing is probably that I can't stop think about him. " Theo sighed high. Eric nodded slowly, full understanding what theo was talking about. But didn't say anything.

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