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Pippa woke up early the next morning (5am.) And had no chance to go to sleep again. She felt like she had been awake for hours, as she laid on the madness on Theos bedroom floor and tried to go to sleep. But it wouldn't work. She sighed low, trying to not wake Theo up as she stood up and changed clothes, deciding to go out an drake walk.

She left a quick kiss on Theos check, examining him sleeping, before she left the bedroom and slowly and carefully walked down the stairs and into the hall, pulling on the pink - blue sneakers and went outside, hitting the fresh and hot air. For some reason is she happy that Theo didn't movie into Los Angeles for real, even though it would be pretty cool.

She made her way down the street, not caring about anything. The street was amprty, as always, the house looked more boring than she thought it would, and the hot sand searched into her shoes.

She stopped up when she saw a person, just a few meters in front of her, standing smoking under a lamppost. She stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to feel. Something inside her body was scared in a weird way. Not because she didn't want to meet someone out here at 5am, but because it was Theos friend from the other day, Boris.

Boris suddenly looked up at her from the ground, and he looked the same surprised to see her out here as she was to see him. She slowly walked toward him, with a doubtful smile.

"B-Boris?" She stuttered, staring into those brown eyes - which she always wanted to figure out how to read. He was just a bug mystery and she actually wondered why Theo liked him so much. Or, yesterday it seemed more like they wanted to kill each other, but the way Theo talks about him and the way they're looking at each other tells something else.

"Why are you out this early, Pips?" He grinned, blowing out a cloud of grey smoke in my face. I furrowed my eyebrows, laughing low as a stood next to him, leaning back against the lamppost, just like him.

"I woke up, and u didn't want to wake up Theo so I though a walk would be an good idea - so here I am." She said, smiling low, still a little disgusted by the smoke - which smelled like he'll in her nose in this point.

"Talking.. um. Talking about Theo." Boris bite his bottom lip. "How is he doing?" Boris added and pippa smirked for herself, facing the ground.

"He is fine, I guess. He talks about you a lot." She said. And it wasn't a lie, Theo talked very much about Boris, she can't blame him, he just seemed so happy when he talked about him. How Boris had tried to learn him the first day they met, and about something Wlakman and a special song on it.

"Oh.. good. I miss him." Boris mumbled for himself, throw the cigarette on the ground and rubbed his shoe on it. Pippa nodded.

"I know. And he miss you too." Pippa said, crossed her arms over her stomach. Boris furrowed his eyebrows toward her before he pulled up his package of cigaette and pulled out another, lighted it and placed it between his lips.

"What do you mean, you know?" He said, looked up at the sky.

"It's obvious that you guys like each other. I mean - Theo talks about you like all the time a-"

"He do?" Boris cut her off. "I mean, he talked about you a lot also. Before you came. He said that he loved you." Boris said, rolling in his lips to a thin line and swallowed hard.

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