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"And, Boris? Please.. Please talk to him and tell him how you're feeling. He really likes you and i think the both of you needs each other more than you want to realise."

"Good morning, Boris. I hope you had a good summer." Mrs. Brown said when Boris arrived his math classroom, smiled back andsat down on one of the table in the front. He placed his books on the table in front of bin and sighed high. He couldn't understand that he had to go 8th grade again. All the moving he and his other family members had been going through the last year's had made his school work really bad. Hopefully matilda would let him and his siblings stay in Las Vegas from now on.

The classroom filled of students, which Boris did not really care about. He just sat and painted on his book, before a pair of pale blue eyes walked through the door and caught his attention in one second. He looked up at him with mayor eyes, almost scared.

"Hello everyone. As you can see do we have a new student here. His name is Theodore Decker." Mrs. Brown said, with her thin and light voice as gutted in the ears. "Would anyone like to give him a guide around the school this hou-"

"I CAN!" Boris said, stretching up his hand in a flash, catching both Theos and Mrs. Browns attention.

"How nice, Boris. You cab skip this lesson." she said, smiling. Boris nodded fast, picked up all his things from the table before he went out from the classroom, with thro just a few steps behind.

"Why are you doing this boris! You don't even want to talk to me!" theo muttered after a minute of silence, walked up so they went next to each other the way to Boris locker. Boris sighed, opened his locker and throw in the books before he locked it and turned around to face Theo.

"We need to talk. Please?" he mumbled, placing a hand on Theodore shoulder. Theo sighed, faced the floor in a few second before he nodded. He really wanted to talk to Boris as well, even though he fought it was a stupid idea to do it at school, the first hint on his first day.

"Good, come. We take a toilet." Boris mumbled, curled his fingers around Theos wrist and went across the corridor, opened one of the toilets and went inside, theo tight after him. It wasn't really a big toilet, but not small either.

"What do you want to talk about..?" theo mumbled. Boris sighed and sat down in the toilet, looked up at theo.

"I talked to ippa the day before yesterday and.." he sighed. "I don't know how I'm supposed to say this or to act. You're driving me crazy theo." he stood up, sighing and placing his palm against Theos check, leaned in and placed his forehead against Theos. "you're driving me so fucking crazy." Boris whispered low. He could see how the tears started to build up in Theos eyes, and honestly, they were doing the same in Boris.

"I know I'm not supposed to feel this." Theo faced the floor and Boris saw how a tear left his eye. "But, But seeing you with her doesn't just feel right and I miss you so much. A - I'm sorry, Boris." he looks back up at Boris, his eyes wet, just like Boris'. "I love you." Theo said shaky, taking a shaky breath.

Boris sobbed low, placing his other hand on the other side of thos face and slowly a peaceful pressed his lips against Theos, feeling how his body got calm and how he finally could think more than he had ever could. He loved theo, and theo lived Boris. It weren't something they could ever do about it.

"I love you too, potter." Boris whispered against Theos lips, pulled away and stares into his eyes. He grabbed Theos hands, interlocking their fingers with each other and sighed high.

"You really do?" theo whispered, sobbed low. Boris nodded, kicking his lips.

"I really do."

"But Beverly then?"

Boris let go from theos hand and placed his own hand on his check, rubbing away the tears on his checks.

"dont worry about that, potter. I'll break up with her, okay? It's just me and you now. You and I. If you want of course. Will you.. Will you be mine?" Boris mumbled. Thro giggled low, placed his hand over Boris hand in his check and faced the floor, blushing.

"I'd ask you if you could ask me in a better place than the toilet, but if course. Yes I want to be yours." Theo giggled looked up at Boris who smiled wide, before them both leaned in to connect their lips. It weren't a wet kiss as they use to have, it was a beautiful kiss. Filled with feelings and happiness. None of them really understands what just happened.

"Ugh. I think we have to go back to class, do we?" Theo mumbled after the kiss and Boris shrugged. "she said that we could skip but Mrs. Brown always changes her mind. And would probably appreciate if we come back." Boris mumbled. Theo nodded, taking a step backwards and just about to opened the door when Boris grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn around again.

"Can we keep this a secret until we both are ready to come out, please? I know we both are new with these feelings and I don't want any of us to get hurt, you know." Boris said, biting his lip nervously. Theo smilies low, taking a step forwards and stood on his toes.

"Of course." he said, before leaving a dry and short kiss on Boris lips. Boris smiled wide, before opening the door. They made sure that no one was in the corridor before they walked out from the toilet, giggling like two girls their way back to the classroom.

Theo toughy that everything was a dream when he sat down on the chair next to a girl he had never seen before. But it all fall on place when his phone vibrate in his pocket.

So happy. Sleepover at my place tonight? x

Theo giggled low, looking across the room and saw that Boris was already looking at him.

Yup <3

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