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"I can't believe this day would come." She said as the hired stylist doll herself up. "I've been waiting for this day to be special." She continue. She's telling her friend, actually who's there watching her get all dolled up.

"What are you talking about? He was nice. Your parents choice is not bad, huh? What's his name again?" Her friend, Mina ask her. "Kim Won Ji" she said rolled her eyes.

"Don't make yourself ugly, love. I'm making you pretty." The stylist unconsciously jump in the conversation. "Ha ha. That's right." She said and closed her eyes to let the stylist do anything to her face. "How long does it take from this hotel to the wedding hall?" She ask Mina.

"Seriously, Lee Yoon Ha? You don't even know?" Surprised, she flicked her eyeballs toward her. "I don't want to know." She reply. "Well maybe for 30 minutes or something? Traffic jam counted, btw." She informed her as far as she know. Yoon Ha raise her eyebrows and make the oh-ok face.

She look at the mirror. It reflect herself. Or not. She just see someone that's beautiful, ready for an arranged married for her parents. Is there any sense if she cancel it now?

-Groom's -


"WHY NO ONE REALLY WAKE ME UP?!?! ITS A BIG DAY FOR ME!" He quickly take his bath but make sure to use half of the bottle of soap. Going out of the toilet, his 3 bestfriends are waiting, smirking. "Look who's in panic"

"What? Are you guys enjoying watching your friend a.k.a groom of the day running late?" He said smouldering that makes his friends went fake-puking. "You're lucky to be married with her. The girl you've ever wanted." One of them said that make him smile.

"I guess we're waiting at the wedding hall. Please be there soon. We don't want our sister-in-law to wait." They said and left the room. He look at the mirror, reflecting himself. "Am I ready?" He don't even know. He knows he love her. He knows they were made for each other. Or not.

But then, he remember a scenario where the one he's gonna get married with someone else. He won't tell that to anyone that he has seen it. Cuz by that time, they were engaged. He won't let his parents got the shame. So he let it be. He knows she.. Lol cut the crap. She love him ofcourse.

"I'm ready." He said and called out for hair stylist. He was wearing a prince-like suit that really suit him. The stylist came in and give a touch in his hair. He was freaking loving it. And yet, his heart beat. Faster and faster. Eysh.. Being in love really drive someone crazy.

-Lee Yoon Ha-

"No need to rush. We're still very early." She said and smile at the driver. "Yes ma'am." "Uh-uh. Not yet. I'm still a miss." She correct him in her mischievous face. "Mina, did my parents texted you or?" "Oh yes they did. They ask me if you're ready." "Bruh. They are the excited one. Why won't they get married instead of me?" She mumble.

She fix her overflowing cape and pull her wedding veil to cover her face. "I don't want to look at him." She said still fixing it. The veil is not really see through. "Even" Mina continue. "Yeah. AHAHAHA EVEN."

At the wedding hall~

"Is he going to get married or not? If he don't want, I'm fine with it. I really am." She ask her father. "What on earth are you saying." He frown. "You know he really isn't my type." She mumble under her breath.

"The groom has arrive"

And her father's face was lighted up. "See? I know he could make it." He proudly walk his daughter in. Everyone was in awe when they saw the groom. His hair is prince-like, his wedding suit is perfect, he looks so well-built and his smile is so. So beautiful.

"I didn't know your husband is this handsome." He whisper to Yoon Ha and she rolled her eyes under the veil. "Now you want to marry him?" She ask. "Yoon Ha please. Not now." They talk in whisper so that no one can hear.

As she reached the platform, she stand infront of him. "I didn't remember you choose this dress?" He whisper. That doesn't sound like Kim Won Ji. "Do you, Kim Won Ji take Lee Yoon Ha as your wife and always be the loyal husband for her?" "Lee what?" He ask making Yoon Ha widen her eyes.

Looking at everyone, he don't want to make any scene. He whisper. "Are you sure?" The Priest look at him in frown. "Don't make any scene Kim Won Ji." Yoon Ha warn him. "What scene? Who the hell is Kim what Ji?" He burst out still in whisper. "For god sake just say yes." She said and he frown.

"Yes?" And the crowd release the relief sigh. "And do you, Lee Yoon Ha take Kim Won Ji as your rightful husband and be loyal to him until the end of your life?" "Guess I have no choice." She whisper. "It's not clear, miss bride." "I do." She said loud and clear.

"You may kiss your bride now." And he open the veil. "Who the he-" but he kissed her for a good 2 second before the crowds clap their hands. She can hear Won Ji's parents frown. She can hear them.


"You may kiss your bride now." And I open the veil. I don't know who she is. She's not the one I suppose to marry. But my brain told me to kiss her. I ask why. But he said I have to. Stupid right? I know.

We were told to change into another dress for the wedding event. So both of us walk arm to arm awkwardly. Ever so awkward. In the car, only both of us. "Who are you?" She ask me. "How should I know? Who are you?" I ask her back. "I'm Lee Yoon Ha and I'm supposed to marry Won Ji." "Well I'm Park Jimin and I'm supposed to marry Baek Yeon Ji."

"How on earth?!"

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