17. Closing Night

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Where are we right now?" Jimin ask. "Milan?" Yoon Ha answer anticipating for his answer. "Sforzesco Castle" Jimin show his eye smile. Yoon Ha widened her eyes and tilt her head. "Where is that?" "Let's just go." He grab her hand and walk until they found a taxi to bring them there.

-Sforzesco Castle-

"Waaaaaaaaa how can it be this pretty?" Jimin smile ever so proudly. "Is it?" "How did you know this place?" "I've searched it online, ofcourse." He said, smouldering. His both hands at his waist being all cute. "This, this is amazing." She can't get her eyes off the castle. "I think there's something more beautiful from this." He whisper but surely she heard it.

"What's more beautiful than this?" She ask smirking. Jimin tilt his head and look at her with his squinted eyes since it's hot. "Um. An angel?" Yoon Ha make her oh-ok face. "Ofc. I want to see the prettiest thing on earth and if it's an angel, I would like to meet an angel." She said looking around, still amazed. "I will show you only the prettiest thing from now on. I will and I promise."

Yoon Ha chuckles and flicked her eyes towards him. "Don't play with promises, Jimin. Angel is not real and if it does, we can't." Jimin took out his phone. "What about this?" He show it to Yoon Ha. All she see is herself on camera. Her eyes explain confuse. She open her mouth to say something but nothing come out. She's stunned. "What? Stunned? Me too. From the very first time I open her veil." He said with his friggin beautiful killing smile.

Her face is heated up. Daym daym daym daym I didn't sign up for this I need to go I can't stay I'mma explode k cool let's play it cool . She didn't say anything but she left him alone shaking her head and walk away slowly. Jimin laugh as he know that she's embarrassed. "Ya! Wait for me, my angel." He laugh and run towards her.

After she calm down, Jimin hold her arm and hugging it. Every single time she will let him go. She always try to hold her laugh but she can't since Jimin is already laughing and his laugh is cute af. "I miss this smile of yours." He said looking at her. "Have you ever seen my smile?" She ask snapping him off. "Yaaaaaaaa what is this. Of course I have.. Eyshhh." He said sulking. "Now let's go." Yoon Ha grab his hand. "Where?"


"We play games here. Search for things. I thought this place is beautiful that I want to bring someone with me." She said smiling looking all over. "And it's me?" Jimin's eyes were shining. "Did I bring Tee Shi sunbaenim?" She ask smirking. "Ergh that sunbaenim." He rolled his eyes. They play around the field running from each other. "Chim. Don't you think we should back to hotel? It's near 7." "Oh you're right. Let's go.

Both of them went back to hotel. "Don't come in unless I told you to" she warn and he chuckles. "Can't promise. Better you lock it." He mischievously warn her and she can hear his smirk. "Don't you think we should take a bath?!" "Shit you said, I am taking bath!" She shout from the toilet. "Then, I should wait for you." "Park Jimin, we're late!" "Then?!" "Go take a bath at the changing room at the lobby!" "Ah ok."

Not long after that which is 1 hour and half, he get in the room with perfect suit with his black hair and tinted glasses. He open it and saw she's in front of the mirror, styling her hair. She's wearing a long lace sleeves, a long rose gold dress. Not too flowy but the flowy just enough for a flowy gown.

(a/n: you guys can really imagine it another image, I'm just helping )

"Am I alright?" She ask him. He didn't answer but just looking at her. "Park Jimin? Am I alright?" She ask again,worried. "Should I change?" "No. No no.. You're- you're beautiful enough." He smile shyly. "Am I too simple?" He ask. "You have to. You can't be more outstanding than me? I'm their youngest psychiatrist." She joke with him. "Yeah" he smile looking at her.

"I'm jealous of you." He said fixing his suit. "Why?" She still infront of the mirror with her hair. "Well.. You got to see an angel tonight before I do." He pout making Yoon Ha rolled her eyes. "Are you ready?" She ask. "Oh yeah. Sure." He said and show his arm. "What?" "Arm to arm?" "Cut the crap" she walk away. "Huh. Ok." He nervously chuckles.

He always took a glance at her but everytime she look at him, he'll look away. In lift, lobby and the car. "Why are you looking at me? How weird am I tonight?" She talk in pout ft frown. "What you mean weird? You're too beautiful that I'm afraid." He said holding her hand. "What do you mean? What a nonsense?" She still in frown.

"I- lol it's ok words aren't enough to describe your state of beauty." He smile and rolled his eyes. "You're weird, accidentally-married-husband." She laugh. "Oh?! I haven't heard that name for a very long time!" They laugh together. It's great that she finally smile. "And you're beautiful, accidentally-married-wife.

As soon as they are infront of the building, they enter the ballroom. Everyone is there. Once they step in, everything seems to be stop. She look all around and everyone that she love for only 3 days, there.

"And there she is! Our one and only! The youngest of all! The Belle out of her little town, the feminine little girl. Our aegi in this field but also very charismatic! Ourrrrrrrrrrr YOON HA!!!!" the Mc introduce her with such energy. She's blushing as hek. "Why are you saying those.." She said tapping her cheeks. "Oh? Is that your husband? Eyyy you guys really made for each other." The Mc make their heart flutter.

And everything went as well. The soft song started to play shows that the dance will begin. Jimin look at her and offer her a hand.

"May I?"

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