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Both of them went home before dinner separately. When having dinner, his mom told a lot of stories. "I'm going home tomorrow morning. Early in the morning. Be good to each other, alright? It's ok there's no love for one another. Just don't hate each other. Jimin, be good to your wife. Yoon Ha, take care of Jimin."

Yoon Ha and Jimin just nods. "I'm going to bed straight after this 8.00pm news." His father said and they proceed what they're doing. Again, Yoon Ha sleep in his bedroom.

The next day, they started the day as usual. Jimin sends lunch for Yoon Ha and Yoon Ha send lunch for Jimin. That's been going on for a week. A good start, thanks to Jimin's supportive mom. But Yoon Ha still sleep in her room. And that's usual, too.

"Jimin! Dinner!" And she serve everything. "Wah.. Anything special?" His jaw drop as he saw the food. "Nothing. It's just, Won Ji is now no longer under me." And jimin widen his eyes. "Oh really?! Good for you. See? We lost nothing." And Yoon Ha look at him. "We?"

The serial killer is now in **** neighborhood. Another one innocent victim was killed at the back of an abandon building. The victim is known as Han Min Oh. He's known as a gardener around the Mental Health Hospital. The body will be take care by his family at the hospital. This time too, he left us a note saying "I'm helping you,can't you see?."

"The funny thing is. The victims are all men." Jimin thought. "I know him. Why everyone I know is attacked?" She buried her face in her palm. "You know him?" "Yeah. He always greet me everyday I arrive at hospital. This hand, he will greet everyday. He will act as if he's a Prince taking me from my carriage." She told him and he frown.

"Sounds so close." "Yeah. I love him. As a friend, ofc." And Jimin tilt his head. "Jimin. Medical department suggest a team-building trip. At Italy." She said while shoving her mouth with some food. "Italy?" Jimin widen his eyes. "Yeah. Well I'm asking for your permission."

"What permission?" "Husband's permission?" Knowing she shouldn't say that, she avoid any eye contact with him. "We- we've never been like any husband and wife relationship. You don't have to take me as your real husband." He chuckles. "Right. Silly me." She laugh awkwardly.

"I'm going to the police station. Need to watch cctvs." "Ok. Be safe."


The day went as usual. That day, Yoon Ha gotta go home a bit late. Gotta pile of work to do. She basically skip dinner with Jimin. It's already 11pm. Uber or grab is hardly to find. She gotta use bus instead. Walk all alone in the quiet valley. And it rained.

The more she walk, she heard another footstep. The water on the road make it sounds better. She try to stop to hear if it's her imagination or really someone is following her behind. "Nothing. It's nothing." She fastened her footstep and she can see her- Jimin's house at the end of the road. But she can't help it. The instinct that someone is behind just can't get over.

She started to run but then she can heard a freaking mischievous laugh as if it's mocking her. She can only hear the sound of her, panting breathlessly. Jimin's house is just infront of her. The footsteps is getting clear every each second. "For god sake!" The key is not in her handbag.

She knock on the door but Jimin didn't answer. She can heard a flash of a camera with the same laugh. "God save me" she repeat it like a mantra before she realize it's not even lock. She can just barge in.

She get in and take her breath. Her tears are slowly falling down due to how scared she is. "I'm- I'm safe" she rub her chest while her eyes close. Jimin come down. "What's wrong?" She look at him. Should I tell him or not? "Nothing. I'mma take a bath." She said avoiding his gaze.

In her room, she feel the goosebumps. "Seriously? I'm at home, please.. I don't feel safe." She mutter after lying herself down on the bed. Her mind keep on playing the same laugh over and over again. "The man in shadow." She shook her head.

"I'm a psychiatrist. I shouldn't feel this way." She gather herself up, thinking it's all an imagination as she's scared of alone in dark. She take a bath and relax on the cold water running through her skin. She got the chill. She get out and wear her banana pyjamas.

"Yoon Ha." Jimin knock on the door. "Yeah?" "You don't want to have some dinner?" "I did. I have some bread just now." "Are you sure?" He ask from outside the room. Yoon Ha is actually still mad at him when he said they're nothing. She refuse to look at him in the eyes. But he didn't notice it.

"Yeah." Don't ask him don't ask him don't ask him. "Have you?" Shot. A total dumb. "I did. Good night" .don't answer don't answer please don't. "Yeah. You too." And she facepalm herself. "Listen to yourself, sometimes. Please. " and she try to get some sleep.

"Oh please! Get out!" His laugh is still in her head. "I want to sleep." The goosebumps send shiver down her spine. She tried everything. Nothing really work. She get up with her big cloud plushie knocking Jimin's door. The lightning strike the sky. She peek in her head. "Jimin?"

Jimin's head quickly turn towards her. He sits up. "Can I.. S-s-Sleep h-here t-t-t-tonight?" She put her hair that's covering her face behind her ear. "Why?" Jimin ask with his squinted eyes. "You're scared?" He continue. Yoon Ha nods.

"Sure." He was about to slide a side to give space for her when she stops him. "I'll sleep on the floor." "It's cold." "I'm fine with it." "Ok then." And she was about to close her eyes but then- "I heard that boogeyman is usually at night." She can hear his smirk. "Jimin I'm trying to sleep." "Sleep then."

"But they don't have any other place to hide when it's raining." He continue that make Yoon Ha look around. "So they went.." "UNDER THE BED!" And the lightning just barge in the room. "JIMIN!" Jimin just laugh hysterically husky. She jump on the bed as she scared af.

"I'm here because of you." She said and Jimin just laugh and shook his head as if it's too funny. She build some barrier with piles of pillows. "You want a hug?" Jimin ask and she widened her eyes. "NO!" "you want a hug?" He keep asking as she rolled over further.

Until. BAM. "ommo! I'm sorry" he laugh, again. "It hurts.." She fake a cry but it's really hurt. "I'm so sorry. Here" he reach out his hand and Yoon Ha take it. She hit his shoulder slowly. "It hurts" she said and Jimin holds back his laugh. "Sleep." He said and Yoon Ha just sleep at the end of the bed.

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