19. Home Sweet Home

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The closing night was ended that way. She didn't get in the ambulance, her seniors did. The doctor said it was caused by a hard fall and they assume that he fell from the stairs. He's in coma now. It's a little relieved to have a little hope. Yoon Ha didn't say she's afraid. She didn't want to be. Jimin looks pissed off from the night until in the morning.

"Just so you know, she's mine."  That word keeps on repeating in his head. Last night, when they're sleeping, she cuddle him ever so tightly. To sooth his heart and clear off the fear in her. But in the morning, he's just the same and she knows why. Jimin didn't leave her for a second.

Yes. He's afraid and he won't let it show. He's her only hope.

After 11 hours, they arrived at Incheon airport. They've been so quiet that makes it feels so tension.


I can't be like this. I'm her only hope. I'm her only vitamin. I'm her only husband and I can't stay this way. This is not right.

"Yoon Ha? You ok?" But she keep on looking at her phone. She looks like she's under a spell. "Yoon Ha? What's wrong?" He shake her forearm as he saw her eyes got teary. Finally she's turning around. Her wavy hair cover her right eyes. "Yes?" "You ok?" "Yeah." "No lies?" "Ofc. Just.. I'm a little hungry." She smile as Jimin nods. "Hungry we are, then."

-Yoon Ha-

Finally, they're back. As soon as the flight landed, she turn off the airplane mode. She've been tailing Jimin and didn't have the guts to just talk with him. His face is scary. Scarier than he should be. Until  they got in the car, her phone vibrate as the notification pop up. She open it up and it's from an unknown.

Unknown: Welcome back to Seoul, baby

She froze. Her eyes seems to be glued on the next thing he posted. A photo of her, in her rose gold flowy gown but smeared with some blood. Tee Shi sunbaenim's blood. And her cheeks are soaked. Soaked with tears for Tee Shi sunbaenim.

Unknown: You look good in blood, btw.

Her lips just got sealed. She don't even know how does she feels. Her eyes teary. But then he suddenly shake her forearm. "Yoon Ha? What's wrong?" "Yes?" "You ok?" "Yeah." "No lies?" "Ofc. Just.. I'm a little hungry." She smile awkwardly as Jimin nods. "Hungry we are, then."

At the restaurant~

"Eat a lot." He offer her as she nods with her thin lips smile. "You, too." And they have their dinner together. They talk a lot. Suddenly she talk about the late Kim Bok Ju. "I'm ready." Jimin stop his move from shoving food in his mouth. "Excuse me?" "I'm ready." She put away all of her cutlery and her food followed by Jimin.

"Can you tell me what happen?" And Yoon Ha told him everything. "It does feel better, tho." She smile at him and they stand up to go out of the restaurant. "I know right? Now, you'll  be safe around me." He put his arm around her neck and make her closer. She put her arm behind his back as she and Jimin get out of the restaurant.

They arrived home safely. "Ahh.. Home sweet home." Jimin grin and get out of the car followed by Yoon Ha. She wait behind him while he unlock the door. When Jimin is already in, she wanted to follow him but then there's the camera flashing sound, again. She stop, trying to be more details if it's really it.

"Yoon Ha? You're coming?" He get out to get Yoon Ha. "Oh yes. I'm coming." And she tailed him. They make themselves comfort by taking bath and so on. Jimin is already in his room when he heard her footsteps at the hallway. He open the door and peek outside. "Yoon Ha.. Can you.. Sleep with me tonight?" He whine that makes Yoon Ha chuckles. "No. Why?" "I mean, I'm married but I still feel lonely" he pout all out. "Awwww are you that sad?"

She boop his nose. He widen his eyes. "Then, what can I do to make it right?" She raise her eyebrows. "Sleep with me." He grin. She look around. "Let me think about it." She tease him. "Hurry... I'm sleepy" he continue to whine. "Alright, alright.. Let me take my pillow." She show her eye smile before turning away.

He grab her forearm. "My room has 2 pillows, wtf." He rolled his eyes. "Heyyy.. Language. I mean the pillow that I use to hug." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Then, what am I?" Jimin ask, smirking. "I- You're ridiculously unbelievable." She chuckles. "Come here, come here." He pulled her hand in.

"Good night, wife." He cuddle her up and kissed her forehead. "Your leg is too tight around me." She laugh. "Is it? Hehehe sorry. It's just.. Love overload." He grin sheepishly. She bury her face in the crook of his neck. "You smell so nice." She chuckles. "Ofc. I take bath just now. For you." He laugh while his eyes shut. "The hek. Sleep. Good night." She smile in her about-to-sleep state.

"Don't leave me." She whisper. Jimin think it's just his mind, but he answer it anyway. "I won't, sweetheart. Don't worry."


The morning come and she still scared of what yet to come. She open her eyes. Ah, beautiful. That's the first thing she saw in front of her. She kissed his chin. Then his nose. After that his right cheek. Then his left cheek. His right eye, his left eye, and then he wake up. His left eye is half open and his right eyes is still closed. He slowly open both his eyes and she kissed his forehead.

"Good morning." She lively said. He was about to get angry but seeing her, he smile. "What is this?" His husky voice, again melting her. She tightening the hug. "Morning kiss." "Really? Then, I should give to you too." He kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, her chin and her lips. "Hey!" She widen her eyes.

Jimin smirk in his very-good-morning-cuz-i-wake-up-as-Jimin face. "What?"

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