27. Steal My Girl pt.2

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"Leave her? I'm sorry to ask you this but, are you crazy?" Jimin run his hand through his hair. "Nope. My son is. You see, Park Jimin. She's furthering her study. She's a student. A doctor. A psychiatrist. A woman. She needs money, Park Jimin. This house? You think it's enough? Your job? It doesn't have any title. How about your background? I can see it's not that bright. He can give her something better."

Jimin make the whats-the-point face. "I'm afraid that you couldn't afford to make her depends on you. But Won Ji, he can." Jimin got it now. "So? She's mine and only mine. " "You have to remember, Jimin. I'm her mom." "Her step-mom." "You think you've make her happy? Don't you know she can hide her feelings well?"

"We never really need those things to live happily with each other. We have trust. That's enough." "Her dad's with me. You think you got everything but not him." Jimin stop. She does miss her dad. "Come on, Jimin. You have what I want. I have what she want. Let's make a tread."

"What tread?" "I give her what she need. You give me what I need. I can do what you think I can't. Never forgot that one. I never wanted to kill someone. But if that's what required to have her, I'll do it."

"Just so you know. Her dad is not an item. So does she. Leave us alone!" "I met your should-be-wife. You got a son, Park Jimin. Stop pretending like you care. One day when she knew, you gonna lost her. Give up, man. I can tell her anytime I want." Jimin got shock. I got a son?  "What? A cat got your tongue?" She smirk. "Your choice, Park Jimin. Either she lost everything because she's with you, or she lost you, to make everything stay."

Jimin was thinking hard. His eyes doesn't look lively as always. It's filled with worry, scared. But then Yoon Ha came. He look at his stepmom-in-law. "The choice is hers. Let her decide." He whisper. She rolled her eyes. "What happen?" Yoon Ha ask to both of them. "Yoon Ha. You're coming with me!" She pull her hand roughly. Jimin quickly try to help Yoon Ha.

"JIMIN! REMEMBER OUR DEAL. LOST ONE, LOST ALL!" his mom-in-law glare at him. "What are you talking about?!" She's about to cry. "Jimin, is letting you go. Come home with me." She turns to look at the feeling-guilty Jimin. "Is that true?" Her eyes hold the hopes Jimin gave. Hopes that he would say no. But he just keep silent.

"JIMIN, I ASK! IS THAT TRUE?!" her stepmom chuckles. "Your marriage won't stay too long as I expected." She whisper which is loud enough for both of them to listen. Her face is now filled with tears. Soaked. Jimin can't stand the sight. "He didn't say anything means he agree. Are you that dumb? Here. Just com-" "oh shut the fvck up, ahjumma." And he pulled Yoon Ha to the kitchen. "Right. Have your last time together." She chuckles.

Jimin pulled her in a tight hug, hiding his own tears. Yoon Ha's breath is not right. She's shuddering. "Yoon Ha.." He called out for her. "J-j-jimin.. I don't want to go" she's crying at the top of her lungs. Her voice crack. "I know" "then why are you doing this?!" She get herself out of his embrace and slap his chest. "That's right. Do it until you're satisfied but I do this for us." "YOU'RE RUINING US!" "Yoon Ha, please understand-" "what else should I understand? You're letting me go, Jimin?" Her fist weak.

"It's not like that.." "Then what? Jimin! You said you won't leave me. You said you'll protect me. You said.. You-you love me." "I do love you! I'm doing this for us. For both of us. I promise." "Keep that promise away from me! You want me to follow her don't you?! You really are?! Ok! Whatever happen to us, it's all because of you!" "let me finish for once, Lee Yoon Ha. I have my own plan. I'll find the way for you. You don't have to worry." He wipe off her tears.

"How can I'm not worry? What if- what if there's no other way?" "This is Park Jimin. There must be a way. I can make it." He whisper as he pull her into a great big hug. "Make sure you make it." She said in her cry. "Ofcourse. Ofcourse I will." He wipe his own tears behind her. "I-i don't want to go." She whisper. "I-i know, angel. We have to sacrifice for us, ok? There's no way an angel and a mortal can fall in love without any obstacles." He rub her back. "Now go and wait. Wait for me. Ok? The necklace. Keep it close."

She nods. Hugging Jimin for the last time. He kissed her forehead. "Time's up. Oh, Jimin. You're invited." She smile as she handed out the card. "For what?" "I know you have no money. But for god sake, I'm sure you have eyes." She said and Jimin read it. "MARRIAGE?" Yoon Ha widen her eyes. Her knee got weak. "You are invited and you have to be there. You don't, and I can't promise you would ever meet her."

"You didn't mention this before!" Jimin is now out of his patience. "Why should I? She's my daughter. Let's go!" She drag Yoon Ha out. "No! J-Jimin! H-h-help me!" Jimin fight for her. He grab her forearm. Everything is a mess. Nothing is right. Her mom is pulling her while she has fallen to the floor, crying while her other arm got grab by Jimin.

She's a crying mess that make Jimin's heart went weak. But he stay, trying to fight for her. "Its..its hurts.." She unconsciously whine that make Jimin didn't have the gut to continue. He knew his grip is too rough. So he let her go. "Come on!" Her stepmom smirk. "Go and wait for me. I'll find my way!"

And both of them are out of view. Everything became calm, blunt, dull. Feels so empty. His legs gave out and he sat on the floor trying to process everything. "Will everything be alright? "

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