39. Crossed Your Line

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So, one day, her father came and said "You didn't meet Jimin that day?" She look at him with her raised eyebrows. "Why?" He continue with his i-bet-you-want-to-explain face. "Well, long story short, I fell and hurt my knees so I went home. I can't text him." "Text who?" Her mother-in-law ask. "Uh? Um.. Mina?" She let out an awkward laugh before her mother-in-law walk past the living room.

"Ok then.. Today he wanted to meet you too. He said something about a necklace." Yoon Ha widened her eyes. "Right.. Uh.. Ok I will." Her dad smiles at her. "Oh? It's already 11 am. Got an appointment with Won Ji. I'm going, dad." And she left. She run towards his room. "Dam it this house is big." She mumble before she arrived. She take her breath and open the door. "How are you today, Won Ji?" And the treatment continue.

After 2 hours of an appointment, they ended it. "I'm going, Won Ji ah.." And he nods. She get out to take a bath and meet Jimin. She was humming to some random song. Her wardrobe was open wide for her to choose the best cloth. "Should I use.. This?" She pick the the cream coloured dungaree with a big black short sleeves T-shirt. She tie her hair into a cute messy bun(cliche). She open her shoes wardrobe. She pick the white sneakers.

She sneak out to the stairs to get to the first floor. But then, someone grab her by her shoulder. "Where are you going now?" He ask her. His voice laced up with sad and anger. "Urm.." "You always not at home, coming back with dirts on your jeans. Where were you?" Yoon Ha don't know what to say or even what to do. "I-" "let's play together." He smile so very suddenly. She widened her eyes before she release her breath she didn't realize she has been holding.

"But.. Ok. What we're gonna play?" Won Ji was thinking when she said "catch me if you can!" And she ran to wherever she thinks possible. Hearing Won Ji's footsteps, she's running faster. Without her concern, she went to the west wing and hide in a room when she heard nothing. She close the door and laugh while panting so hard. The room smell, like something dead. It's so bad that makes her dizzy. She turn around and saw a big room with so many photos were on the wall. "I don't remember I've been in this room." She tilt her head.

She walk closer to the wall and look closely to every each of the photos. She went to the first photo that got a string of red ribbon pinned on it. She widened her eyes when she realize who is that. "Byun Byul Tae?" The photo is actually Byul Tae at the restaurant, sending her off. "The f-first t-target?" She read a note next to it. She's started to sweat and walk to where the red ribbon lead to.

The next photo is pinned with the same ribbon and some stain of blood. "Han Min Oh?" It's a photo of him, kissing her hand as welcome. "It's not.. It's.." And she continue walking with the lead of a red ribbon.

"Im Hwang Ja,Kim Bok Ju,Han Tee Shi--" and a circle for.. "Park Jimin"

She's trembling to death when she saw a corner where the red ribbon that was neat leading her turn into a mess. And the corner has all of her.


There's a photo of her, running in the rainy night, photo of her knocking the door, photo of her in her office room, massaging her neck, even a photo of her in Italy, the dinner night, her, alone in the bar, next to the lamp pole, she's wearing dungaree on her birthday,

And even the one in the dinner night when her dress have some blood stain.

She's trembling a lot that she fell on her knees, she's facing the wall, her hands on the floor, legs bent. She's going backwards, trying to deny the things she saw when she heard the footsteps. She glance over her shoulder before the door creak open. "Gotcha" he smirk and her hands immediately searching for the necklace.


Without any concern, she felt the hot streams. "I wanted to tell you babe, you've crossed the line. How many times do I have to tell you? Never enter this room?" He smile fondly towards her. Crouching down and caressed her cheeks before slapping it hard. "Now that you know-" he hovered over her and grab a fistful of her hair before pulling it. "I guess it's not a wrong thing to do." He chuckles mischievously.

"Since you've crossed the line," he drag her deeper into the room just by pulling her hair. The odd smell just getting stronger that it suffocate. She's resisting but fail. Yoon Ha is a crying mess. Her cheeks are wet, soaked with her tears. She flapped her legs so that he let her go but he didn't. She cry so hard cuz it's hurts. "LET GO!" "so.. Why not I crossed it too?" He laugh evilly. "Won Ji, PLEASEEE LET ME GO! ITS HURTS!" "WHY, would I?" He laugh and he beat her until the blood came out from her mouth.

"You stay here first. I'll come back." She barely open her eyes, barely breathing, barely sit. He first stuffed her mouth with cloth. And he left. She closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheeks, again.

Without her conscious, she fell asleep in a big, lonely, smelly, bloody room. In the morning, she found herself was lying sideways,her cheeks are soaked and her face is bloated. Her eyes swelled since she's been crying like a mess. She squinted her eyed to see better. "Gosh.. " that's when she realized, her mouth is no longer stuffed up. "Good morning sunshineee" Won Ji come in with a tray of breakfast.

He kneeled down in front of her. She's backing away, scared. "Hey.. Why are you all bruised up?" He ask lovingly while caressing her bruise. Yoon Ha whine. "It-it h-hurts" she said, shivering. Won Ji's eyes widen. "Don't say I did this--" Yoon Ha realize that yesterday was not him. "No no no.. It is not.. " she smile while caressing his cheeks after he untie her.

He help her to get out, and she look around, the image of last night's event is haunting and she's weakening by her knees but his grip on her is so strong that she's still standing. She look at him and panic attack her. "GET OFF ME!!!" she scream and resist him with all her might. She stomp her feet. Once, she felt the floor and later, she just kicking the air. "ARGHHHH LET GOOOO" She scream as a tear fell down. "Not now babe, not now"

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