2.You Love Me?

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"What about Won Ji?!" She freak out. "What about Yeon Ji?" He ask her. "This is bad this is baddddddd" she almost, almost messed up her hair. "What if. What if he told his parents, and cancel the deal and my parents won't get the project?!" She freak out.

"Rilex, miss. It's not like I'm not doomed. But. I don't really care, she don't even love me." He said. "Why?" It turns out to be sad confession time. "I know she has been cheating on me for awhile. But I didn't want to make any chaos so I just let her be. Knowing she can change and love me back." He sadly said.

"Love you back?" "Yeah. Love me back. She was once fond of me. But then, my dad told me to be dependent. He banned his credit card from me. Lol. Sucks things parents does. And she didn't really hang out with me started from there." He sadly told his story. "And when I got my job, she don't really like it."

"That's sad." She said feeling sympathy. "Yours.. What's the connection between your family project? Arranged married?" He ask. And she look at him. "Funnier story, yes and he's one of my customers. Never know why my parents treasure him so much. As if he's their son." She rolled her eyes and play with the bouquet of flower she was holding.

"But that doesn't mean I have to marry you! " she finally realized. "We are married." He emphasize the word married. "What should I doooooooo.." She's panicking. "Why won't she called me or something." Jimin mumble under his breath. His phone rang but it was Taehyung.

"Ya! Where on earth are you! They postponed the wedding, you stupid mochi! You don't want to see her mom's face just now. I told them you're sick so they postponed the wedding." He was nagging that make Jimin rub his temple. "I'm married." He said bluntly.

"Is that even a joke to you?"
"I want to make it a joke but I can't."
"Park Jimin, for whatever living things on earth's sake,please don't do anything stupid."
"I did!"
"You married who?!"
"Lee-" and he looks at Yoon Ha. She was mouthing YOON HA and Jimin nods.

"Lee Yoon Ha."
"Who the hell is that? "
"How should I know? Ok.. I'm gonna settle this. You guys just be there for me, ok."
Taehyung sigh. Let out a big heavy sigh.
"I don't know nan molla, man. That's the easiest thing you would ever ask for." He said after calming himself down.
"Thanks mate. Nothing on earth can describe how much it means to me." And he hang up.

"Should I call Won Ji?" She ask and look at her phone. "Atleast tell them you're fine. Tell your in-law family." He suggest. "As if they wanted to care." And she give it a go. "Hello? Mrs.Kim?"
"Who did you marry to just now? What about the deal? I'm sorry if my son was late, but guess what? You should've wait"
"I don't even-"
"Don't cut me off, young lady. Now he's here, running out of breath. What should I say? You were married just now?! You promise Yoon Ha ya.. And I'm not gonna do nothing. Just you wait!"

Jimin look at her. "I got nag. As expected." She can't help herself but to frown. "We can't divorce straight away, right?" Jimin ask. "Well?" And then there's and awkwardly awkward silence."We've switch our couple. Is there any mood to go to such an event?" Jimin ask looking at her. "No, ofc."

"Want me to send you home?" "And what? Get more nag? No thanks." And Jimin nods. "Anywhere else?" She was thinking hard but still can't find any. "Then I guess, my house." He said and she agree. They're married, anyway.

The car ride was awfully quiet. But then her phone rang. "Yo gurl, didn't know your Kim Won Ji is that handsome."
"Mina please, he's not Kim Won Ji."
"What?! How on earth-?"
"I really can't answer anything."
"But- hey, if you really, really want to talk. Just talk."
"Yeah. Thanks, btw."
"I love you."
"I love you too." And she hang up.

"Hey. Um. I think I need to apologize. About that 2 second kiss just now? It's unexpectedly stupid." He blurted out. "Yeah. Its-its ok, I guess." He still look guilty. "You don't have to worry. It's ok." And he nods.

After a very long ride, they finally there. "Meet my home, sweet home." Yoon Ha went in there without anything in her hand other than phone. "Your house is.. Not as expected from someone prince-like like you." She commented. "So you're saying I'm prince-like?" He tease, smirking. "Well who doesn't?" She let out an awkward laugh.

"So.. Not like any other spoiled son, huh?" "It's not that big because it's my own money. Not my parents." He explain. "I can see that." She had a little tour at his house. "Princess, I think you might want to change." He said and Yoon Ha look at him. "I have no spare shirt." And Jimin stand up straight searching for his other clothes.

"Take this." He gave his shirt and his trousers. "Thanks. Don't come in unless I'm already out." She warn and run towards the bathroom. Jimin just scoff and change his own shirt in his room, ofcourse. After both of them have finally in their most comfortable state, Yoon Ha take a look at his kitchen.

"You hungry, Jimin?" She ask, tying her hair into a ponytail. "Yeah. You too? Let me order some pizza." He was reaching out his hand for his phone when Yoon Ha told him to stop. "I'm gonna cook. What you want to eat?" "Excuse me? You serious? Well then, anything." He said and continue watching the television.

She open the refrigerator and found a heaven in it. "Waaa.. You cook?" Curious, she ask. "Not really. I can't cook actually. Those I bought for today knowing my wife gonna move in. Eventho I know she's gonna end up calling the pizza man." He said and Yoon Ha just nods her head while cooking.

"You really love her." She said. "I wanted to share this house with someone I love." "It should be someone that loves you." Jimin feel kinda upset since it's true. "Yeah. You love me?" His face is scary. Like, not the one before. But scarier. With his eyes rolled and his gaze just gonna kill someone. "No" she whisper. "Solid burn, man." She mumble in her cook.

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