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"Palli waaaaaa" she scream on top of her lungs in the middle of evening ."Yeah I'm searching for the car key. "I have it here." She shout again. "Sorry" he smile sheepishly. "First, let's go to the cemetery. And then.. We can discuss what after that." She said as she's putting on her lipgloss. "Why are you wearing that? You want to seduce the dead?" Jimin ask with a disgusted face. "Can this lipgloss even seducing someone?" She ask in a more disgusted face. "I mean, hello? I'm a someone. I'm seduced." Jimin unconsciously said with a wide eyes. "So.. You're seduced?" She smirk. "Well-- I mean, duh..like-- bruhhhhh ofc!" And he started the engine.


"May they rest in peace." She mourn infront of Mena's grave. "Let's go, baby" Yoon Ha followed him from behind.

The ride was silent. He wanted to give her a brilliant idea but the time doesn't seem to be right. But hey, give it a go.

"Hey. Yoon Ha." She turns to look at him. "Hm?" "I think I got a crazy idea." Now that, took her attention. She fix her position and turns to really look at him. "What?" Jimin smile. "That day.. The first day you said the vow.. You didn't say my name." He said still focusing on the road. "So?" "Wait.. Let me park this thing first." He chuckles nervously. He drove his car until they reach a fancy scenery with all those city lights. He parks it a little backward from the bricked verenda on the hill that makes them available to look at the scenery.

He get off the car and didn't even mind to open her door. Well she can do it on her own. As she open the door and walk out of the car, she fix her hair and turns to walk towards Park Jimin. She walks ahead and stop. Behind him, there is a beautiful scenery. Out of blue, the fireworks were launched.

And there, a kneeling man who's holding up a ring waiting. Everyone that pass by would stop to cherish the moment. In a blink of an eye, they were crowded.

"So... Will you marry me? Uh.. Again?" And he chuckles nervously. She was shocked. Unconsciously, her tear drop. "O-ofc! Why wouldn't I?!" She kneeled in front of him and hug him ever so tightly. "I will and I won't leave you." She caressed his hair and rub his back. He quickly put on the ring for her. "Thanks" he kiss her forehead for a good 5 seconds. The crowds were cheering and Jungkook and Taehyung both pop out the confetti and the other member just clap their hands. "We were the one who launched the fireworks, you're welcome." Jin said with his unpleasing face.

-Yeon Ji-

"Da Shi! No running in the boutique." She was stressed out since she got the best idea but Da Shi doesn't seem to cooperating. "Da Shi, mommy got some design I got to finish. Won't you help me?" She said nicely as her eyes lightened up. She just nods. "That's a good girl. Now after I done, I'll bring you to KiCa. Ok?" "KiCa?" "Yeah! That's an easy word you pulled off, baby! Only if you promised me." She kissed Dashi on her cheeks before the little kid run to the back.

"Hello" someone come in followed by the Bell's sound. "Oh, dear. Yoon Ha!" She ran towards her and give her a big hug. After they release the hug, she turns to look at Jimin and bows at him. "Jimin" and so do Jimin. "What brings you guys here?" She ask Yoon Ha. "Well.. We thought can we have our wedding dress to be make here?" Yoon Ha smile and turn to look at Jimin.

"You're getting married! Ofc!" Yeon Ji said with the most excited tone. "You can pick, you can design it your own or, just tell me what you want, princess." For some reason, Yeon Ji is just so excited. "Hey calm down." Jimin laugh. "I can't!" She laugh. "Since I'm bad at designing, or even picking. I want it to be modest, elegant and maybe a pinch of magic is enough." Yoon Ha said as she's having a walk around the boutique. "A magic?" Yeon Ji's face changed 360° into clueless. "Well-- it doesn't really got to be those fairy godmother but yeah. You know what I mean." The atmosphere scream awkward.

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