32. Her wedding.

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The wedding day came. Everyone is excited especially her mom. But she, she's excited just because of one reason. She's meeting Park Jimin, again. They went to the building and enter their own waiting room. That's where Yoon Ha got her make up done.

"How do I look?" He ask his hyungs and dongsaeng. "You look like your first time meeting her." Jimin smile. Finally. He's meeting his only angel. His heart beating like it's the first time they're meeting each other. His chest heaved up, down, up, down. "Hyung? You good? " Jungkook look at him while fixing his necktie. "What do you mean? Ofc I am." He reply in satoori.

Jungkook shrugged it off. "Now, let's go." And everyone rush towards one freaking door. "GUYS! ONE BY ONE!" Namjoon scream. Yoongi give up, he back up. Followed by Taehyung, and Namjoon. The others get out easily. "Eysh.. Its just a little things."

-Yoon Ha-

"Yoon ha? You're done?" Her mom knocks on the door. "Wait!" The knocks make her realize she has been staring at herself in the mirror. She wipes off the unconsciously rolled down tear. "Jimin...I saw your Angel today. She's not as beautiful as you describe. Not anymore." She gritted her teeth, biting her lips so that she won't cry.

It's tiring to keep on crying.

She waited for her dad to come in. She's walking back and forth when she heard few footsteps. She turn around and wait for her dad to barge in. "Pfttt.. Why is he running?" She chuckles. The footsteps stop. Her heart weirdly, beating crazily. The door knob was twisted and the door was opened.

There, stand a prince-like man. Wearing a black coat and a pair of sunglasses. His strand of hair fall without even trying. She stood there, frozen. Her brain still working hard to make the scene more sense. "J-jimin?" He nods vigorously. A smile started to creep on both of their face.

His legs feels like giving away. She run in the freaking wide room. Jimin try to run while opening his arms, catching her as she's about to fell into his arms. Their body finally collide. He embrace her in the way no one else could. They were both crying. Yoon Ha's head in the crook of his neck and he kissed her head dozen of times. "My Yoon Haaaa" she laugh in the hug, making Jimin got goosebumps. She hug him tightly releasing everything. Feels like her world has finally come back.

They finally broke the hug. "Uljima, nae cheonsa, yaaaa...(don't cry,my angel)" He dap her cheeks with his fingers. "You have to look beautiful tonight" he said while his tears rolling down. "Why are you here?" She ask after got choked by her own breathe. "You're getting married, Yoon Ha. What do you expect?" He chuckles.

While the others~

Yoon Ha's dad is infront of the room, along with the other bts member. They act as if they were guards, body guards or security. "Where's Yoon Ha?!" Her mom came. "That.. Um.. Tell Won Ji to wear the emerald green. Yoon Ha accidentally spill the milk tea on her wedding dress." He said firmly. She looks around, seeing there are lot of 'guards'.

"Such a pain in the ass." She mumbles. "Who are these?" She pointed at them in the most disgusted way. "These are the guards I paid to guard the room so that she won't run... ?" Her dad answer with the most confident face. "You did?" "Yes. Is there something wrong?" "It's just.. I didn't know you are useful." She said before she dust off his shoulder.

-Yoon Ha & Jimin-

"Did they treat you well?" He ask her who's hugging him. "Yes?" "Why didn't you pick up your phone?" He play with her veil. "They-they took it." She said as she release him from the hug. Jimin just stay still, didn't want to show any expression. "Are you happy?" Jimin ask. Since it's the only reason why he let her go.

She smiles weakly. "What do you think? I lost my freedom, my appetite, and even my love of my life" she chuckles at the end of her sentences. That's, when the bell started to ring, meaning she have to go. "Take me away, Park Jimin." Her tone fall down. He shook his head. "I told you I'm gonna find my way. Not this way" he smiles. She bite her lips, trying not to cry. She nods.

"Ok then. I think, I have to go." She back away. "Yoon Ha" she turn around to face him. "Congratulations." He hands out a box. "What's this?" "Open this at home. You'll know." She smile before he crash his lips towards hers. The kiss was different that she's still in shock. "What was that?" "I just want to be your first. I don't want him to do it before I do" he said as she nods weakly with her half open eyes. She run out of the room, going straight to the hall.


"Do you, Lee Yoon Ha, take Kim Won Ji as your rightful husband that will take care of you for the rest of your life, became the best wife and stay loyal to him?" She couldn't answer it. "I-" her heart was screaming. "I-i-" she look at everyone, when her eyes catch him. He was looking. "I do" that's when the regret start. She wanted to say she take it back but.. The father ask Won Ji.

"Do you, Kim Won Ji, take Lee Yoon Ha as your rightful wife and take care of her for the rest of your life and accept every single imperfections she have and stay loyal to her?" "I do" "you may kiss your partner." And they did. She didn't even react so it's basically just a peck. Not a kiss. Jimin didn't even look. He rolled his eyes before he left the hall. Won Ji saw it.

And he smirk.


Namjoon, SeokJin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook escort Jimin to the parking lot. "I can't believe we have a better past together." He smile. Everyone was looking at him. "Are you sure, she's the one?" Tae ask Jimin. "The one that Jimin hyung always talk about when we first met?" Jungkook ask Namjoon as he didn't get things clear. "Yep. The one"

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