30. Father-in-law

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"I don't want to play with you, hyung for a reason." Jungkook smirk after he won. "Well, atleast." Jimin smile as he knew, he did it. "So.. What's the plan?" Jungkook ask Jimin. "I've been calling her. But she never pick it up. I know she won't do anything stupid." He slow talk with him. "I can really hack her phone." Jungkook lean against his chair making the oh-so-professional pose.

"Really?" "Ofc." "Thank you, Jungkook ah~" Jimin said with his sore throat. "Well, you've been crying for almost than a week."

-Yoon Ha-

She woke up in the morning, in a princess-like room. Everything looks so expensive yet empty. She can't help it but to breakdown in everything that reminds her to Jimin. Weirdly, Won Ji has been treating her the way Jimin did. Every morning, he would bring her to have a breakfast. While eating, she would breakdown.

When she went downstairs, he would greet her. She would breakdown. While she's taking her bath, she would breakdown. It's not that she didn't want to call him, but her mom took her phone away. She said "you can't have any distraction before you got marry" so she took it and put it at who knows where. All she could ever do, talk with the maids, watch television and talk with her dad.

Won Ji is not always at home. It's boring. He's better now. His bipolar seems to have somewhat like schedule. It's like, at this time he will be this, at this time, he would change. Atleast he can already arranged it.

Everyday at home, she talk with her dad. "My appointment with clients, there's a lot. Yeah, maybe it's tiring but believe me appa, it's fun. When I come home, I got to face my assignment. I just finished it that day. Ji-" she stop, looking at her dad in guilty. "Jimin would always wait for me"

Then, she burst into tears. "Uljima.."(don't cry). Her dad pull her close in a hug. "I-i'm sorry i-i-if I can't s-stop t-talking a-a-a-about him." "Never be sorry with the truth, Yoon Ha." That's what happen. She's missing him, a lot.


Time flew so fast, it felt like a day but it is already the 11Th day he woke up without her. He can't even focused in work. One morning, he wake up and get ready for work. Once he open the door, there's another note. With his half open eyes, he smirk. "Long time no see."

In one more week, meet me at the wedding hall. That's, if you're a man and wanted to know who I am.

Jimin is thinking hard. "Wait a minute. A week from now? It's my wife's wedding!" He stop and make the thinking face. "It sounds weirder than it should be." He make the disgust face. He is curious, but he can't leave his wife. It's like, the only time they can meet each other for the maybe last time. "Well, I guess it's time for the reunion."


Jimin sends a message to every each of them, saying he's in urgent state. They all gathered at Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon's house. One by one came. Once everyone is there, the atmosphere just scream an awkward silent. "Come on, guys. That case, is not that big! It's a year ago." Jimin stressed out. "That's right. None of us got effected by that, right?" Sarcastic Jin start the conversation.

"Have any of you said sorry? None? Poor." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Should I? I'm just doing my work. Helping the police." Yoongi defense himself. "But-" Namjoon got cut off. "So, you wanted me to say sorry? I was innocent! But you, make it look like I'm the culprit." Jin pointed at Yoongi. "IM LOOSING MY LOVE" Jimin, out of nowhere just lost his shit.

"Yeon Ji?" Hoseok, who's attention had been given to the phone immediately look at Jimin with his round and nope face. Same goes to Seok Jin. "Yeon Ji?" Hoseok and Seok Jin said in unison. Taehyung shook his head. Hoseok left, studying even before the incident between Yoongi and Seok Jin. All he know is, Jimin has a girlfriend, her name is Yeon Ji. Jungkook's still studying, Seok Jin is succeed in searching for job, Taehyung is the man in chair for whatsoever company. Yoongi was cooperating with police for gadget supplies. And Namjoon, he's the junior officer. That's it.

"Wah.. Why did you change your number without telling us?" Namjoon ask Hoseok. "Guess why I change? My phone drown in the sea, when I'm on the freaking bridge." Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Jimin is married" Taehyung bluntly inform. "Well then, congratulations!" Hoseok reply. "But not with Yeon Ji." Jungkook smirk. Jungkook has always knew that she's cheating. But none of them believe him.

Hoseok's eyes went wide. "PARDON?!" "God! Too loud meh" Yoongi said. "Well, the story went like this.." Jimin fixed his position. "I shouldn't get marry with her. But I went to the wrong hall and she's wearing the freaking veil. I thought she was Yeon Ji." "How dumber can you be? You can clearly see her wedding dress is not the same-- lol forget it. You're just dumb." Hoseok shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, thank you? Anyway.. We started off awkward. We don't even talk a lot. You know what? She's scared of b-boogeyman-" he chuckles with his cracked voice. He's at the edge of crying. Taehyung held his hand. "It's ok. Anything happen, I will try my best to be useful." Jimin bit his lips to prevent him from crying.

"And there's a psycho stalker. He's messing with her. He has been threatening her, and me. Since I already know, he always told me to give her to him. And then, the serial killer. He has been killing those who she knows. I-i told her I'll protect her. I promised." He stop before he cry. Everyone can feel the things he felt.

"But now, I let her go because I was scared. I'm scared that she's not happy with me. So I let her go with the rich man her mother had searched for her." Jimin continue. "And now?" Hoseok ask. Taehyung take out his phone. "This, is Yoon Ha." He showed the photo of taehyung and Yoonha's selca. "Wow. Beauty is her." Hoseok take the phone away.

"So.. I might need your help. The serial killer said to meet me at the wedding hall. But at the same time, that's the only time I can meet my wife." Jimin runs his hand through his hair. "Wait hyung. Didn't you said... Wedding hall?"

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