34. Flashback pt 2

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"Grand Ma.. Grand Pa..." He call out for them after he enter the house, followed by Yoon Ha. "Jimin-ah? You're back?" She ask him as she signaling him to sit on her laps. Jimin shook his head. Trying to look cool infront of her. "Well, who is that?" She ask him. "She's.. My friend. We wanted to ask for a permission to play at the backyard." He pout with his baby language.

"You wanted to skate with her? Ofc, my darling." She smile that brighten up his face. "Let's go!" He happily pull her wrist to the backyard. Where there's a lake. "Woah.. Your backyard is so cool.." Jimin smirk and wear his skate shoes. "Here." He handed out a pair for her. "I.. I can't skate." She awkwardly laugh. "I'm still learning too." He smile assuringly. "Are you sure I can?" "Ofc. Noo-" "I am your noona!" "Then.. You have to be braver than me." He said in pout.

"It's.. A challenge?" She ask. "I.. Guess?" Both of them laugh. Jimin held her hands to help her to get into the ring. "J-JIMIN!!!!" She scream out of fear. "Relax.." He giggles. "J-J-JImIN!!! I'm ScaReD!" She tried to balance herself. "I'm here, OK? I'm gonna let go of you in 3...2..1" and he let her hands go. She did it. "WOaH!!!" They skate for an hour or more until they stop. They fell and rise. All together.

After tired playing, they sit at the bench near the ring to open their shoes. "That was so much fun!" She laugh. "I know right! Why did my friends said it's not.. " he pout. "Hey.. I got Polaroid camera. Why don't we take a picture?" "Why?" "Because my mom said, I have to use this to take my beautiful moment of life." She said and he nods. "I'm in."

But then.. "Jimin! Invite your friend for  cookies!" His grandma shout. "OK! " "let's have some cookies! My grandma.. She's good at them." Little Yoon Ha nods as both of them run towards the cottage. She took a picture of them, eating cookies. And his grandparents. "What's the time now? I think I should go back home." She said as she's struggling to get off the tall sofa.

"Yoon Ha.. Come here." His grandma called her out. "Yes, grandma?" "Take this with you. It keeps you warm." "Thank you, grandma." She kissed the old woman's cheek. "Jimin. Send her home." "Alright, grandpa." And they walk hand in hand before burst in a laughter. "Who reach that tree first, is the winner-" Jimin didn't finish his sentences but run away.

"ITS NOT FAIR!" She chase him from behind. As expected, he came first. "Whatever. It's not like we get anything as a gift." She rolled her eyes. They both lay down on the grass. "It's so cold" Jimin whisper. "How old are you?" Jimin ask her. "I'm 12. You?" "I'm 7" he shyly admit. "I'm the noona then, I guess." She proudly sits up. "I want to introduce you to all of my cousins." She said as she help him get up. "Your hands are cold as ice."

She said. Feeling a little responsibility as the "elder". She take off her scarf and put it around his neck. The scarf is really big that it almost cover his chin. "You shouldn't catch cold. " And she open her left hand glove. "Wear this on your left hand." "Then.. What will you wear?" Jimin ask her since he felt guilty. "The other one." yoon Ha smile sweetly. "Grandpa said.. If we hold our own hand.. It will give us warm." Jimin suggest her. "Really?" So she held his right hand with her left hand.

They swing their intertwined hands back and forth while singing some Christmas song. Until they got to her house.

"Oh My God, Yoon Ha! I was worried to death!" Her aunty said as she saw she's walking in. "I'm fine, aunty. It's just.. I met a new friend. He wanted to be friend with the cousins. Where are they?" "They are searching for you at the lawn. I don't know why. Anyway... What's your name?" Her aunt bend down just to make their eye level is just fine. "Park Jimin." He smile sweetly that his eyes turns into crescent.

"Owh.. Jimin-shii? Baby Jimin?" She laugh as she caressed his cheeks. He pout. "I am not! I'm a grown up baby!" She laugh. "Let's get to the lawn!" She pull his wrist.

"Guys! This is Jimin. Our friend." And they all play together. "Honey.. Look at them. They're having a play date!" Her mom told her husband. "They're so cuteeee" her sister went up to devastation. "Yeah.. It's beautiful." Her husband smile. "YOON HA!" They called out for her. The long haired girl run towards them with her hair swaying. "Yes?" "Where's your Polaroid? This is a beautiful moment, isn't it?" She widened her eyes. "Oh?! That's right!" And she gave her Polaroid.

"1,2,3!" That's how a memories of all of them was created. "Uncles, aunties.. I'm going home. Byeee" Jimin wave them good-bye before she escort him to the gate. Her cousins wave him goodbye too.

"This is the best Christmas for me." Jimi said. Yoon Ha look at him and laugh. "You're still 7 years old. You never know of this moment will got replaced." Jimin pout. "Suit myself! It's my favourite moment!" She rolled her eyes with a smile. Suddenly, he kissed her cheek. "Ya?! Kid! What was that?!" Yoon Ha widened her eyes while her face is super red.

"You're my first love, noona." He grin and he run away. "What's wrong with that kid" she blushed and she get in.

End of flashback

"Yoon Ha? What's that?" Won Ji ask. "This? Oh. Urm.. A gift for my wedding." "Oh? Really? From?" "Urm.. Mina?" He nods. "I'm going to sleep. Good night." And she nods. She continue to look inside the box. After the scarf, there's glove without it's pair but with a note, saying

Thanks for always keep me warm,first love♡

"Awwww..."  She take out the glove. Then, there's a lot of their Polaroid. And the last one.. A picture of little Yoon Ha with the little Jimin. "This is.. This is so cute." She wipe off her tears. She keep all the things in the box back and put it in a wardrobe. Deep inside so that Won Ji won't find it. "Good night, first love." She smile and went for a bath.

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