35. Every single day, every different person

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"Morning!" He sound so sweet as if he's awake long time ago. Yoon Ha rubbed her eyes and look to her left. "Won Ji?" Her husky voice greet him. "Oh? Did I disturb your sleep?" He ask feeling guilty. "Lol. No you didn't. Thanks for wake me up." She smile before get out of the bed. "Yoon Ha." She turn around. "Yes?"

"Mom said.. We have to go for a honeymoon." She stop her step. "H-honeymoon?" She turn around slowly. He get off the bed and search for something in the drawer. "Here. It was wrote in the contract. So.." He smile. She understand that smile. It's like "I'm sorry but you have to so basically it's sorry not sorry." She look at him with a clueless face. "When?" "Now?" She widened her eyes. "Urm. Let me take a bath, first." She chuckles nervously and run away.


"Go for a honeymoon." Her mom sternly said. "But mom! You know that he's.." "He's what?! He's our money source! You have to take a good care of him." She said and she pointed at Yoon Ha. "He's your responsibility now." She smirk. "He's always is. Since he's my patient. But patient and husband.. They're not the same." Her eyebrows might connect to each other if she keeps doing it.

"Won Ji has already go through the treatment. You don't have to worry." "I, am the one who gonna live with him. For only 2 weeks and 2 days, I already saw a lot of personality that he still can't manage. How is that 'don't have to worry'?" Her mom slap her. "Is that the way to talk about your own husband? Saying he's crazy?!" She whisper-scream.

"I didn't say he's crazy. He's still need treatment! Anyway, talking about Manners with husband, is that the way to treat your husband? Grounded him?!" And she get away. Her mom rolled her eyes. "Brat!" She crossed her arms.

Won Ji come. "What's wrong?" He sit next to her. "Nothing. Urm.. Won Ji? Have you finish your treatment?" His face expression change. "Treatment? Why do I have to get one? I'm not sick." "Yes, you're not. But... It's like a daily check up." She smile sweetly at him. "Oh? Really? But if I'm sick.. What's wrong with that? Won't you love me like I do? Can't you accept the fact that I'm.. Sick?"

"No, Won Ji. It's nothing like that. I can accept any condition you are. But this, this is for your own sake, Won Ji." "I'll- I'll think about it later." He avoid having an eye contact with her. "We gonna continue your treatment, ok?" "A-a-after the h-honeymoon." And he continue to just lay on the bed, doing nothing. Yoon Ha lay next to him, facing him.

"I thought you're a CEO. Why don't you go to your office, to work?" "I'm just the heir of the company. I'm actually doing nothing. I will just appear as their heir in any events." He said in monotone. "Poor you." She whisper. Feeling a little sympathy. "Where did your parents always brought you to?" She lightened up the mood.

"They always go by themself. I stay at home, doing nothing." Yoon Ha widened her eyes. Rich but got no love, huh? Cool. "Where do you want to go?" She ask. His face was lightened up. "REALLY?! YOURE GOING TO THE OUTSTATION, WITH ME?!" Yoon Ha awkwardly laugh. "I don't do 'outstation'. We're going to a vacation!" He hug her side. "Thanks!" Yoon Ha froze there.

Not hugging him back.

"Yeah yeah. It's on me, though." "Let's get pack!" And he went to his wardrobe to get his clothes. "You're that excited, don't you?" "Ofc. This is my second time with you!" Yoon Ha laugh. "Second?" She stop. "Uh? Urm. Well, first. I mean... First" his ears get red. "O-ofc." She get off to pack her clothes from her room.



"Then? What happen after that?" Jungkook who's a little curious ask Jimin. "Since then, I always wait for her. But my grandma said maybe she's at town. She live there. So I wait for every Christmas. Thinking she might come back on every Christmas since it's a holiday." He said while putting his forearm on his forehead.

"She did?" Tae ask. "Nope. Never since that day." Tae nods. "That hurt.. You know why?" "Nope. That's why I'm kinda afraid to be open with someone. I'm afraid they're gonna just left." "Then.. How can you be open with Yeon Ji?" Yoongi ask. "Yeon Ji?" He chuckles. "She's on other level of lying. She just.. Always there. That's why I thought she's better than my "first love". But Yeon Ji never wipe off my tears."

"She never seen one." Jin said in a stern voice.

Jimin feels like structed. He move his forearm and sits up. "Yeah.. She-she never saw one." "So now.. What's your plan?" Jungkook ask. "I've plan with her dad. Her dad said, he can only bring her to me every once a month. And every time, I'm gonna make something. Something need to be improving." "Won't you kidnap her?" Hoseok said. "Did you really went study abroad? I am a freaking police." "SHE'S YOUR RIGHT!" Hoseok said. "Uh. Well."

"What about your job, Jimin? Serial killer?" Namjoon ask. "Right! Uh... What should I do?!" "Can you just.. Move on? If it's meant to be, it will be." Yoongi said weakly. "Is that it? Move on?" "Yeah? I mean, I can-" "You can because it doesn't even effect you! And you are only you. I'm nothing like you" jimin rolled his eyes and left the living room with the dead atmosphere. (You see what I did there?)

"Good job, Mr.Grumpy. Your tounge technology is not working at all." Jin rolled his eyes.

-Yoon Ha-

They left their mansion to the airport. "Teacher.." "Won Ji.. Call me Yoon Ha." "Teacher Yoon Ha.." He pout. "...what?" "I want some doughnuts." He stop walking and clinging onto her forearm. "The flight gonna departure without us, Won Ji. You can't be like this." Yoon Ha need to scold him like the teachers always did.

"But I want doughnuts!" He stand still. Everytime Yoon Ha try to pull his wrist, he would play dumb, become all hard like a stone. "God, pleaseeee. Ok I promise, in the aeroplane, there will be doughnuts." "Really?!" And he hop, past her.

She sigh. "Every single day, every different person."

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