29. What Happen?

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"What happen?" She touch his forearm gently. It is filled with scars that looks like because of getting canned. "Who-who did this? Who did this to you?!" "Her. She won't let me out. But she did, yesterday. She said it's your birthday wish." He smile at her. And both of them hug. "Would you like to accompany me to sleep?" He ask "ofc. Ofc I am, your majesty." They laugh.


The morning come. Yoon Ha has already done for work. She get downstairs and everyone is looking at her. "Teacher!" She's literally didn't being cold with him and only him. "Breakfast?" "No no. I got to go to work." Her mom stand up. "Who said you're going to work?" And she get lower. "Why didn't I?" "You, are going to choose your wedding dress today. Or, you wanted the event to be all planned by me like last time? "

Yoon Ha glare at her and stomp her feet. "Come here, Won Ji. We won't let them do everything." And Won Ji run towards Yoon Ha from the dining table. Her mom smirk. "She deserve that." Won Ji's mom laugh.

Inside the car~

"Teacher.. Won't you have some breakfast?" Won Ji ask in pout. "I.. I don't feel like it." Yoon Ha said, not making eye contact. Won Ji just nods. "Mr. Tan, drive us to the boutique." She said. They were silent for 30 minutes, only Won Ji's voice have been heard. He's singing some songs. "Won Ji, do you know we're getting marry?" She ask him.

"Ma-marry?" "Yeah? You don't?" "What is it, teacher?" Yoon Ha's lips were sealed. What is marriage? Is it like this? Being together but being so far from each other, missing each other, marrying other man? "It's when you agree to live with someone as their partner." She said as her eyes focusing on her finger that have ring on it.

"So...You're going to live with me?" Won Ji ask. That hurts, everybody. "Well-" "we're here. You need me to wait here or just come back when you call me?" Yoon Ha startled. "Yeah. The second option is the best." She said and she get off the car, followed by Won Ji. Today, Won Ji is that innocent boy who just trying to fit the suit. "Every suit looks the same.. Why should I~?" He whine. "So that your mom and my mom won't nag" she said bluntly as she's looking at the magazine. He grunt and went inside the fitting room again.

For a good 1 hour, they finally got the right suit for him. "Now it's your dress." Won Ji excitedly told her and she just nods. "What colour do you think fit with me best?" She ask, trying to fit in. "I'm not sure, teacher. You look good in every colour." Yoon Ha just chuckles. "Ya right." And she try one by one. The white, "waaahh you look good, teacher." Yoon Ha widened her eyes. She whisper to him, "don't call me teacher if we're outside. You get it?" And he tilt his head. "Why? You are my teacher." "And also your future wife." She rolled her eyes.

He nods. "I'm gonna try other colour too, so that we can have the best one." Actually, white is the, colour she wear when she met Jimin. It's for him and him only. "What about this?" Emerald green. "You're so beautiful, t- Yoon Ha." And Yoon Ha cringe at it but she just smile. "This?" The navy blue. "This is great!" "How about this?" Black. "You look nice but it's marriage." He said that makes Yoon Ha wide her eyes. "Peach?" Won Ji shake his head.

"We can buy the navy blue and the emerald green for the second day and for photoshot." He continue. "And black if you want." Yoon Ha look at him. "Then, what's for the real wedding?" She ask. "I think...... rose gold is the best for you." He smirk. Yoon Ha's hands started to tremble. Hot streams were flowing down her cheeks. Everything seems to be messed up. The word is upside down. Her sight is blurry. "My head.." She collapse.



"Why isn't she's calling?!" He check out his phone every single second. "Relax, hyung! She-" "I, MADE THE DECISION OF LETTING US GO! AND THATS THE DUMBEST I CAN EVER GET! IM RISKING HER LIFE, OUR RELATIONSHIP! HOW CAN I RELAX?! DONT YOU EVER SAID THE WORD RELAX TOWARDS ME!" Jungkook's shocked as hell.
Since then, he just stay quiet. He walk towards his room and left Jimin alone, crying. "Please, call me. What happen with the necklace? Why didn't she turn it on?" He whine all by himself.

Namjoon came out from Jungkook's room. "Hey." He didn't response. "I know you're stressed out. I know you've messed up. I know things aren't in a good condition right now. But Jimin," he hold Jimin's shoulder. "I also know that you're not always doing things too stupid. I know you did everything because you can handle everything that come after. Because you're strong. But there's something that I didn't really fond of about you."

Jimin look at him with his soaked cheeks, red eyes, asking "what" with just his glare. "When you're mad about something, never let it to someone innocent. Jungkook's just a kid. He wanted to comfort you. Take it easy on him. Ok?" Namjoon pat his shoulder. "Yeah. I will." His voice is super husky due to the cries. Taehyung have a sit on the floor and look at him. "So now, what are you gonna do?" He ask. "I have no choice but to kidnap her on the day of her wedding." He jokingly said that Namjoon and Taehyung laugh.

"Are you serious,mate?" Taehyung get back his sense. "Yeah." Jimin answer. "That's- well, that's right." Namjoon widened his eyes. "What's the plan?" "Maybe.. Comfort Jungkook first?" Jimin sheepishly smile. "That's a must bro." And he walk towards Jungkook's room.

"Kook ah~" his husky voice come in the Jungkook-vibe-room. He didn't response. Here's a thing about Jungkook. He's the maknae and he always be. No matter how tough he is, how much abs he got, how often he works out. They can't change the fact that he's still their one and only maknae. So, he does sulk when it's not his fault but they're mad at him. "Jungkook ah.. Want to play overwatch with me?"

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