Please Me (Maylor)

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Modern day

It's pitch black in the room when Brian jolts awake, and he looks around blearily wondering what got him up, when he sees his 25 year old man child sitting on the floor. Kicking off his second shoe and sending it against the dresser with a loud hollow sound that must've been the reason he woke up in the first place.

Brian burrows back into the sheets ready to fall back to sleep, confident now that it isn't a murderer in the room. He hears Roger shuffling out of his jeans. Rapid little sounds of the denim rubbing together where he tries to shimmy them down his legs.

He's nearly asleep again when what feels like a great dane flops on top of him and the comforter, with a low grunt. "What the hell Roger?" Brian whispers in the darkness, hopefully Roger will get the hint that this is sleepy bye time.

"Brimi," Roger whines, and he's already ready for whatever request Roger's ready to pull out of his hat at bloody five am, "Brian, I'm so hard."

Brian scoffs, because okay, sure. "Okay, loo is down the hall, have fun."

He can practically hear the pout in the darkness and then he feels Roger's hands crawl up his body and peel down the covers so Brian's head is revealed to the room, fluffy hair and all.

"Brrriiiiiiaaaann," he says, face coming up to rub against his. He's always affectionate when he's drunk, more than usual. And randy as all fuck, pressing his dick up against Brian, asking him to leave whatever friends house they're at.

But at the moment he seems almost sweet, his pretty blue eyes glassy with liquor. "Suck me off, please."

Brian groans rolling over, "Rog, it's nearly five in the morning."

Roger squirms on top of him, "Okay, okay, Can I-can I have a kiss?"

And he is sweet, Brian's boy. Asking for blowies and kisses in the same minute, wants so much. Brian turns and it's still very dark, and Roger is very drunk, so they miss each other's mouths the first time. Roger getting his chin, and he giggles into Brian's shoulder before kissing up his face until his hot breath reaches Brian's mouth.

Brian's mouth is a bit stale from the few hours of sleep he'd gotten, and Roger's mouth tastes sweet from the drinks, turning sour. Roger's tongue licks against Brian's mouth and he opens up for him, hand coming out from underneath the covers to tangle at the hairs at the nape of Roger's neck.

He can feel Roger rutting against him and he's getting worked up too, Roger is squirming the covers down Brian's body and he breaks away panting. "Please," he says tucking a finger into Brian's mouth.

"Please," he says again, pressing his index against Brian's tongue, making Brian's dick jolt in his pants.

Brian nods suddenly, and Roger's face breaks into a grin. Brian calls it his 'my cock is getting wet' smile. A little bit of dimple, a little bit of deviance.

Roger crawls up Brian's body, knees coming up close to Brian's armpits before he sits his bare ass down on his chest. It should feel heavy, and too much. But it feels right and steady and familiar.

There's a grin on Roger's face still and Brian has to supress a giggle with the back of his hand at just how happy Roger is to be getting his dick sucked. Makes him want to tease him a little, so he does.

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