You Cum First (Maylor)

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"Roger," Brian whispers into the darkness of their small bedroom, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. One minute.

"Roger," He tries again, this time pressing a light kiss to his boyfriend's neck. He continues pressing kisses from his neck and down his spine, and back up. "Rog?" He whispers into his ear softly.

"Mmm, what is it Bri?" Roger mumbles sleepily.

Brian looks over at the the clock on the nightstand. 12:01 am.

"Happy Birthday." He whispers into his ear, peppering more kisses to his neck and shoulder blades.

Roger opens his eyes and lifts his head up a bit so he can read the clock. He groans when he sees the time. "You woke me up just to wish me a Happy Birthday? Couldn't that wait til morning or something?" His voice is slower than usual, still rough with sleep.

Brian hums, pretending to think about it. "Nope. You're thirty. It's a big deal."

"Twenty-nine, thirty, who cares." Roger mumbles, burying his face back in the pillow.

Brian laughs softly. "Turn over so I can see your face, love." He whispers.

Roger complies easily enough, slowly turning over so he's facing his boyfriend. It's dark in the room, so Brian can just make out the shadow of his face. "Hi." He whispers.

"Hi." Roger whispers back, giggling a little.

Brian pulls Roger in closer so their naked bodies are lined up. He pecks him once, twice, three times on the lips before Roger tugs his neck down and licks at his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. They kiss lazily for a while, Roger still not completely woken up yet.

They eventually have to pull apart for air. Once Brian's caught his breath he threads his fingers through Roger's hair, gently massaging his scalp. Roger keens, pressing back into Brian's touch.

"Since it's your birthday," Brian whispers, still massing Roger's scalp, "What do you want to do today?"

Roger groans. "It's only midnight and you expect me to plan out the day already?"

Brian laughs. "Yes, you know I like planning ahead."

Roger groans again, but Brian can make out through the dark that he's smiling softly. "Anything," He breathes.

"Roger, it's your day. You pick."

Roger takes Brian's hand gently from his hair and threads their fingers together. "Can we just," he begins, playing with their interlocked fingers, "Spend the day together? Just you and I, alone?"

Brian hums. "Anything you want, babe," and kisses him once again.

Roger smiles into the kiss, running his hands up and down Brian's spine. Brian breaks away from the kiss, "I can make you your favorite meal," he begins.

"Then we can watch a movie, whichever one you want," Roger hums in agreement, moving forward to kiss Brian again before Brian puts a hand to his chest to stop him. Roger pouts, and Brian can tell he's about to say something so he silences him with his lips once again. He pulls away and whispers, "and then later I'll fuck you."

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