Don't You Hear Me Calling You? (Maylor)

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This doesn't have any smut, but I needed some fluff after the filthy shit I've been writing lately

Roger stared at himself in the mirror, sighing. He hated how incredibly plain he was. Everything about him screamed innocent. Normally he wouldn't care, as long as he was comfortable with himself it shouldn't matter what other people thought but the student body at his horrid school felt that he needed to be reminded of how they don't approve of his innocence. It's not like he chose to be like this it just kind of happened. He wished he went to the same school as Brian, his boyfriend, so he'd have some protection. If he knew what was going on all hell would break loose and Roger didn't like to cause confrontation when it wasn't that big of a deal.

Roger pushed his glasses onto his face just as the doorbell echoed through the flat. He quickly grabbed his bag and slung in over his shoulder before going to open the door, "Hey babe you ready?" Brian asked pushing a quick kiss to Roger's lips. Roger nodded and stepped out, locking his door before Brian laced their fingers together. "How was detention yesterday?" Roger asked as they made their way to the older boy's car, "Boring like always but I don't have detention today so I'll be picking you up after school." He replied, opening the door for Roger to get into the passenger seat before going around to the driver side.

"Hopefully it stays that way. If you happen to magically find yourself with detention, text me so I can catch the bus." Roger answered smugly. He knew how Brian was some days he was surprised at the things he got away with at school. Brian chuckled as he fixed his curls, "I promise to be on my best behavior just for you." He said as he started the car. The ride to Roger's school was silent. As they neared it Roger's could feel himself filling with dread. He knew what awaited him once Brian was out of sight. When they pulled up to the front Brian leaned over pushing his lips to Roger's, "Have a great day, love. I'll be here to pick you up like I promised."

Roger smiled, "I miss you already." Suddenly there was a loud knock on Roger's window and he cringed when he saw who it was that was knocking, "Hey Rog, funny I should run into you here." He said in his sickly sweet voice, "Hey Paul." Roger mumbled as he got out of the car. He waved at Brian and begged for Brian to notice the desperate look in his eyes but to his dismay Brian waved back before driving away. Roger felt Paul's arm snake around his shoulder before pushing him against the wall so hard his teeth clanked together painfully, "Did you do my assignment for me like I asked you too?" he snarled his face inches from Roger's. The younger boy whimpered, nodding as he pulled his bag from his back and opened it before pulling out said assignment.

Paul snatched it from his trembling hands, "You better hope I get the grade I want on this or you'll pay." He spat before picking up Roger's bag and throwing it across the courtyard before walking off. Roger wiped at his eyes before he began picking up his things and shoving them into his bag. He silently wished that he could stand to Paul but he was scared. He'd never been in a fight in his entire life. Roger wanted to tell Brian but he knew the older boy got into enough trouble at his school without Roger adding to his long list of offenses.

To make the day worse his first class was with the large brute. As he entered the class room he took his usual seat in the very front - where he was safe. Mr. Deacon went around the class room and picked up last night's assignment before giving them book work to do as he graded the papers. Roger worked quietly at his desk ignoring the tiny wads of paper that were being shot at him from the back of the room where Paul and his crew sat.

"Paul I'm very impressed with your paper. I didn't know you were so passionate about Shakespeare." Mr. Deacon said suddenly from his desk. Roger felt himself tense he knew he should have dumbed it down a bit when he was writing his paper, "Yeah, he's a great man." Paul replied smugly. Mr. Deacon stood up from his desk and began pacing the room, Paul's paper clenched tightly in his hand, "Tell me Paul, what is your favorite play by William Shakespeare?" he asked his face calm. Paul's face scrunched up with distaste, "Uhm, the one about the dead broad and the dead guy who were in love." He finally said confidently.

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