Thighs (Frian)

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“Bri, are you alright? You were really off during the whole interview,” Freddie comments as they walk through the front door, and Brian almost snorts, before gently grabbing Freddie's wrist and leading him to the bedroom. Freddie follows without question, always so trusting of his boyfriend.

“I don't think I was the only one who was off, babe,” he replies, letting go of  Freddie's wrist and gesturing towards their giant bed. Freddie takes the hint and plops himself down. “You didn't seem too focused either,” he continues, thinking back to the way Freddie kept fidgeting.

Freddie doesn't reply, only looks down at the duvet with sudden interest, and Brian decides that it's finally time to put his plan into action. He starts to strip, taking off his shirt first, and can't stop the smug grin that appears on his face as he watches Freddie's eyes light up with interest as he looks up from his lap.

As fun as stripping for Freddie is, Brian quickly loses patience, and gets his jeans and pants off with one harsh tug, tossing them to the other side of the bedroom. He glances back at Freddie and his cock gets even harder at what he sees.

Freddie has a hand on himself, rubbing at his dick slowly through his bottoms as he watches Brian. His jumper has already been pulled off (and shit Brian missed it), and his eyes are dark with lust. It's really fucking sexy. When he notices Brian's gaze, he whines out a “Bri, babe, want you to fuck me,” and Brian would love to give into temptation and fuck his boyfriend straight into the mattress, but.

He has to follow through with his idea from earlier, he can't just give up now because Freddie is on their bed practically begging for it. So he shakes his head, and almost laughs at the indignant “why not!” from Freddie that follows.

“Calm down, babe. You'll still get fucked, just,” he pauses, unsure of how to tell Freddie what he wants without sounding crazy (or creepy.) They've never actually talked about this before, and Brian's not sure if thigh fucking is something couples actually do.

“Just what?” Freddie asks, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. He's not too sure he likes where this is going - how is he supposed to get fucked without having Brian's cock up his arse? (But if it involves both boys naked and doing dirty things on the bed then he's not really going to complain - well, not much, anyway.)

“Um... I'd like to, er,” Brian hesitates again, still unsure of how to phrase this. “I want to fuck your thighs.”

Well. That should do the trick, Brian thinks.

“Excuse me?” Freddie isn't looking Brian in the eyes, now, and that's sort of worrying. Freddie is many things, but shy is not one of them.

“Please, babe? I'd make it so good for you, I swear,” Brian promises, walking over to the bed and placing his hand on one of Freddie's soft (but still firm, how even) thighs. “I would never ask you to do something that I didn't think you'd enjoy.”

Freddie laughs, then, a short little self deprecating sound that makes Brian's heart ache. “I know I would enjoy it babe, but would you? God, my thighs are so...”

Brian waits for Freddie to finish his sentence, but when he doesn't he says “So what? So perfect, sexy, firm, delicious?”

“Stop it! You're insane,” Freddie giggles (fuck fuck fuck), as if Brian is just messing around, even though he clearly isn't.

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