I Want To Break Free (Johanna & Melena)

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It isn't supposed to happen like this, it's not supposed to be some big secret. Because Melena wants to climb the highest building and scream it to the world. So so so bad. But her voice leaves her and Johanna leans up to look at her, with the moon in her eyes and her lips gone all swollen from how forceful Melena has claimed them as hers.

And Johanna laughs, a little giggle and thrusts her fingers in just deeper. Melena keens, arches her back and reaches blindly for Johnanna's other hand, so she can feel just how perfectly their fingers link together.

She has to be quiet, and she has to be careful. But she forgets to tell Johanna to stop, and she can feel the burning feeling of a bruise mottling her neck, where Johanna bit down a bit too hard and Melena didn't care enough to remember to stop her.

It's lovely, it's all Melena thought Johanna would be. Sweet and slow and so so so good. She loses herself in Johanna's soft skin and her gentle hands and the press of her mouth in the seams and dips of her body. She sighs and closes her eyes and lets Johanna take her down, break her and build her right up with her mouth between her legs and her hands keeping her pinned to the world. So Melena doesn't get lost in how good it feels, how starry her vision goes and the way her skin seems too tight over her body.

Johanna isn't there when she wakes up in the morning, just the static feeling of where her mouth used to be and the hairband she left behind in her haste. Melena tries to think it's all ok, but there's a dull ache in her chest and the threat of tears in her eyes and Melena is a horrible liar.


"What's this?" Briana asks when they're getting their make up done for a telly appearance, points at Melena's neck.

"What?" Melena asks, confused until her finger probes the tender skin and she feels a chill running down her spine and her eyes go wide.

"That bite mark, had a run in with a vacuum?" Briana teases and Melena sees her chance to just laugh it off when Rogerina barges in with Johanna behind her, looking frazzled and caught in the headlights, trying to stop Rogerina. But Rina is a force to be reckon with and it takes more than just a mere human to stop her.

"Look at the badge of bruise mottling her neck," Rina hollers and all but pushes Johanna towards them, points at the blotches of the places Melena had worked her mouth over.

Johanna gives her a scared look, and Melena knows, Melena can feel it, fight or flight.

"That's funny," Briana says slowly, looks at Melena who's holding her breath and trying to keep Johanna rooted with her eyes, pleading her, "Mel has some too."


And it goes quiet and of course Johanna leaves, because Johanna isn't a fighter. And Melena gets mad because Rina can't keep her mouth shut and Briana can't mind her business and Johanna is supposed to be straight. And Melena hates all of that, hates her life when Johanna just sprints out of it and there's security guards looking all over for Johanna because they need her for Queen and because she's gone and broken Melena.


They don't find her, and Rogerina bites her lip and tries to apologize but Melena doesn't let her because she just wants to be mad and alone and forget about how Johanna was a one time fluke, gone for who knows how long and never to happen again.

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