Ride Till I Can't No More (Frian)

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Yes I named this after Old Town Road🙃 that song has been stuck in my head for weeks so I figured why not? But it's not the type of riding you're thinking about😏

It’s become a bit of a thing, you see. Or perhaps it was always a thing. You can’t really blame him, though, considering Freddie's taste for pants that are too tight for a bum that’s too nice.

It was undeniably harder during Queen's first tour, when Brian had to conceal his feelings in the fear that Freddie didn’t reciprocate them (which was done very poorly, to the point where Freddie had cornered him backstage once and lured them out of him by getting so close that Brian knew the exact brand of cologne Freddie was wearing. Which—yeah. He probably would’ve been able to counter the unexpected attack if it weren’t for the fact that Freddie's bitten red lips were mere centimetres from his and the energy buzzing between them was electric and the fact that it’d felt like a damn Nicholas Spark’s movie and how he had to kiss the boy he’d been getting off to for months). So…no, you can’t blame him.

It’s a problem now, though. It’s a problem when Roger’s the only barrier between him and Freddie on this godforsaken couch that they’re all somehow expected to squeeze onto (which they manage. They always do, but still), and Brian’s hard as a rock in the jeans Fred had miraculously managed to slip him into earlier. Yeah, they were tight. Yeah, the interviewer will probably notice the unmistakable bulge in his pants, or most likely already has due to the little smirk playing on the corners of her lipstick coated mouth.

“So, Brian,” the interviewer—Brian’s forgotten her name. He doesn’t really keep track—chirps, leaning forward in her chair enough that her cleavage shows and flashes a too-bright smile, giving off an air of feigned interest, “you were seen out and about with a lovely lady friend recently. Is there a potential love life in the works? Twitter’s been exploding. I’m sure the fans are dying to know.”

He almost feels Freddie stiffen and struggle to keep his composure. It’s like a regular routine. Brian is asked about his love life and it takes everything Freddie got to hold back a sarcastic comment. The truth is, Brian relishes it.

“Well, uh…” Brian chuckles, drawing out the words long enough that he knows Freddie will be getting antsy, “She’s great. She’s a lot of fun, but I only really consider her a friend. Everything’s too busy at the moment, what with the tour and everything, to be thinking about anything more. Perhaps afterwards, you never know.”

The interviewer apparently deems this an appropriate answer, seeing as how she nods and her grin doesn’t move from her face, seemingly a permanent fixture.

There are a few more inane questions and answers exchanged—the usual—before the interviewer’s announcing the end of the show to the small audience gathered in the wings and they’re seen off stage.

Brian’s erection hasn’t been forgotten, unfortunately, and as soon as Brian’s safely back in the tour bus with the rest of the lads, Freddie turns on him, straddling his hips before the driver’s even set his foot on the accelerator, earning an annoyed groan from Roger, who immediately turned back to the front, unlike Deaky, who’s already gone to the world, curled up asleep with a blanket draped haphazardly over him. Typical.

“Come on, Fred. What if someone sees us?” Brian says in a playful tone, making to push Freddie off of him, albeit only succeeding in bringing him closer instead, chests now flush together from the action.

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