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My bus buddy
Probably my first male best friend

I'm not gonna lie
I lowkey had a crush on you

We got along soo well
You were like me
Same personality
We always had a good time together
Doing the craziest shit

You always took care of me
Whenever I needed you
You were right there
By my side

You were so dumb omg
I remember you calling me Habibi
I kept telling you to say Habibty, because I'm a girl
But you kept saying Habibi to piss me off.

I remember that smirk you gave me
I loved seeing it
You're so handsome

I remember you gave me a piggy back ride because I was tired.
I was so surprised that you could pick me up
I thought I was too fat for you
Because you were skinnier than me,
But wow did you prove me wrong
All those muscles

Since then, you would always pick me up
Whether it was bridal style
Or Piggy back
Or picking me up from my legs and holding me
Or throwing me over your shoulders
I miss those days
So much

I had so much great memories with you
Every-time I walked down that street
I just remember you and me
The good days
Our innocent high school days

But then you went off to boot camp
Then you joined the Army.
I miss you so much
Like so so much
You're always in my thoughts
My prayers.

I hope you're safe.
I hope you're doing well.
I wish you the best of luck.

I hope I'll get to see you again.
I miss you.

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