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He doesn't love you.
He will NOT love you.
He's not going to ever love you.

No one will.

No one loves you.

I don't even love myself.

How can I expect someone to love me, if I can't even love me.?

I let people treat me like shit. But I am shit.

Do I have no worth.? Do I have no self-respect.

I try my hardest to treat everyone with kindest.

But what happens when I do that? Huh?

I get stepped on like a doormat. And I do things that makes me extremely uncomfortable for the sake of others. I have no self-respect.

How can someone love me.? I let others use me. How can someone love that.?

Am I too ugly.?? Is that why.??? I'm just ugly. He just now probably realizes that I'm ugly. Oh no.

Maybe I deserve to be treated badly.?
Is this my fate .?

I probably deserve it.

I deserve it.

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